Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/307

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54 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-TELECOMMUNICATION-APR. 8, 1938 [494] (2) During the intervals indicated above, outside the trans- missions mentioned in article 24 (§§ 22 to 28): [495] 1. Transmissions must cease in the bands of 480 to 520 kc (625 to 577 m); [496] 2. Outside these bands: [497] (a) transmissions of type-B waves shall be forbidden; [498] (b) other transmissions of the mobile service stations may continue; stations of the maritime mobile service may listen to these transmissions on the express condition that these stations shall first insure the watch on the distress-wave, as provided for in paragraph (1) [No. 493]. [499] (3) Since calls in the authorized bands between 365 and 515 kc (822 and 583) are normally made on the general calling-wave [§2 (1) above] [No. 475], maritime mobile service stations open to the service of public correspondence and using waves from these bands for their work must, during their hours of watch, remain on watch on the calling-wave of their service. The watch on 500 kc (600 m) shall be compulsory only on type-A2 or -B waves. These stations, while observing the provisions of §5 (1) and (2) and §7 (4) D [Nos. 492-498 and 515], shall be authorized to abandon this watch only when they are engaged in a communication on other waves. C. BAND OF 100-160 KC (3,000-1,875 M) [500] §6. Calling and reply [501] (1) The wave 143 kc (2,100 m) (type Al only) shall be the international calling-wave for use in long-distance communications of the mobile service in the bands 100 to 160 kc (3,000 to 1,875 m). [502] (2) Except for the wave of 143 kc (2,100 m) the use of any wave between 140 and 146 Ikc (2,143 and 2,055 m) shall be forbidden. [503] (3) The wave for the reply to a call transmitted on the interna- tional calling-wave of 143 kc (2,100 m) [see §6 (1)] [No. 501] shall be: the wave of 143 kc (2,100 m), for a mobile station; the normal working-wave, for a coast station. [504] §7. Traffic [505] The following rules must be followed in the operation of sta- tions of the mobile service using type-Al waves in the bands of 100 to 160 kc (3,000 to 1,875 m): [506] (1) (a) Any coast station carrying on a communication on one of these waves must listen onthe wave of 143 kc (2,100 m), unless otherwise indicated in the nomenclature. [5071 [508] (b) The coast station shall transmit all its traffic on the wave or on the waves which are specifically assigned to it. (c) A coast station to which one or more waves within the band 125 to 150 kc (2,400 to 2,000 m) have been allocated, shall have a prior right to this or these wavea 193470-41- - -Pr. -- 19 1527 Post, p. 1545.