Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/351

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54 STAT.] MULTILATERAI-TELECOMMUNICATION-APR . 8 , 1938 [727] (b) messages of these meteorological services intended espe- cially: [728] 1st, for mobile stations of the maritime service; [729] 2d, for the protection of the aeronautical service; [730] 3d, for the public. [731] The information contained in these messages may be: [732] (1) observations at scheduled hours; [733] (2) notices of dangerous phenomena; [734] (3) forecasts and warnings; [735] (4) statements on the general meteorological situation. [736] §2. (1) The various national meteorological services shall ar- range for the establishment of common transmission programs in such a way as to use the transmitters best located for such extensive areas as the latter can serve. [737] (2) The meteorological observations contained in categories (a) and (b) 1st and 2d above (§1) [Nos. 726, 727, 728, and 729] shall, in principle, be written in an international meteorological code, whether they are transmitted by mobile stations or intended for them. [738] §3. For weather-observation messages intended for an official meteorological service, advantage shall be taken of the facilities result- ing from the assignment of exclusive waves to synoptic meteorology and to aeronautical meteorology, in conformity with the regional agreements established by the services concerned for the use of these waves. [739] §4. (1) Meteorological messages intended especially for all mobile stations of the maritime service shall, in principle, be trans- mitted in accordance with a definite time schedule and, so far as possible, at hours when they may be received by those of the stations mentioned which have but one operator, the transmission speed being selected in such a way that the reading of the signals will be possible for an operator having only a second-class certificate. [740] (2) During transmissions "to all" of meteorological messages intended for stations of the mobile service, all stations of this service whose transmissions might interfere with the reception of the messages in question must observe silence, in order that all stations desiring to do so may receive the said messages. [741] (3) Meteorological warning messages shall be transmitted immediately and must be repeated at the end of the first period of silence ensuing (see article 21, §5) [No. 492]. These messages must be A*' p'625 sent on the waves allocated to the maritime mobile service. Their transmission shall be preceded by the safety signal. [742] (4) In addition to the regular information services provided for in the preceding subparagraphs, the administrations shall take the necessary steps so that, upon request, certain stations will be charged with communicating meteorological messages to stations of the mobile service. [743] (5) The preceding rules shall be applicable to the aeronautical service so far as they do not conflict with more definite regional ar- rangements insuring at least equivalent protection to aerial navigation. 1571