Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/433

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54 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-TELECOMMUNICATION-APR . 8, 1938 ARTICLE 3 Opening Plenary Assembly. Duties of the Presidentof the C. C . I. R. Meeting §1. A representative of the organizing administration shall preside over the opening plenary assembly. This assembly shall organize the necessary committees and distribute among them, by categories, the questions to be treated. It shall designate the president and the vice president or vice presidents of the meeting of the C. C . I. R., the chair- man and the vice chairman or vice chairmen, and the reporter or re- porters of each committee, and it shall also decide upon the admission of the international organizations mentioned in §3 (c) of the foregoing article. §2. The president of the meeting of the C. C . I . R . shall conduct the plenary assemblies; moreover, he shall have general supervision over the work of the meeting. The vice presidents shall assist the presi- dent and replace him in case of absence. ARTICLE 4 Secretariat The secretariat for the meeting of the C. C . I. R. shall be provided by the Bureau of the Union. ARTICLE 5 Minutes of PlenaryAssemblies In principle, the minutes of the plenary assemblies shall give only the main points of the delegates' statements. However, each delegate shall have the right to request the summary or verbatim insertion in the minutes of any statement he shall have made, provided he shall supply the text thereof not later than two hours after the end of the meeting. ARTICLE 6 Languages and Method of Voting in Plenary Assemblies §1. The languages used in the plenary assemblies shall be those indicated in article 21 of the Convention. 42B t.241. §2. In plenary assemblies, only the delegations of those adminis- trations which contribute to the expenses of the radio service of the Bureau of the Union and which were entitled to vote at the last plenipotentiary or administrative conference,* shall have the right to vote.

  • A sovereign state which, not having adhered to the General Radio Regulations,

adheres during the interval between two plenipotentiary or administrative conferences, may have the right to vote in conformity with the principles concern- ing the right to vote established by the Cairo Conference. 1653