Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/251

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States of America, the ratifications of which we exchanged today, and particularly to the following sentence of article II which provides that: "They (the Government of the Dominican Republic and the Government of the United States of America) likewise shall designate, by common accord, an official who shall act in the said Bank as representative of the holders of the bonds of the external debt of 1922 and 1926, in all matters that concern the service of the said external debt." Designation of Mr. The Government of the Dominican Republic proposes accordingly Oliver P. Newman as bondholders' repre- that, by mutual accord between our two Governments and for the Sent a ' purposes stipulated in the convention, Mr. Oliver P. Newman be designated as the representative of the holders of the bonds of the external debt of 1922 and 1926. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurance of my highest consideration. RAFAEL L. TRUJILLO Ambassador Extraordinaryand Plenipotentiaryon Special Mission His Excellency CORDELL HULL, Secretary of State, Washington, D. 0 . The Secretaryof State to the Ambassador Extraordinaryof the Dominican Republic on Special Mission DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON E ELLENCY: March 10, 1941 EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of today's date, reading as follows: "I have the honor, on instructions from my Government, to refer to the Convention between the Dominican Republic and the United States of America, the ratifications of which were exchanged today, and particularly to the following sentence of Article II which provides that: 'They (the Government of the Dominican Republic and the Government of the United States of America) likewise shall designate, by common accord, an official who shall act in the said Bank as representative of the holders of the bonds of the external debt of 1922 and 1926, in all matters that concern the service of the said external debt.' "The Government of the Dominican Republic proposes accord- ingly that, by mutual accord between the two Governments for the purposes stipulated in the Convention, Mr. Oliver P. Newman be designated as the representative of the holders of the bonds of the external debt of 1922 and 1926." [55 STAT. 1122 TREATIES