Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/455

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55 STAT.] NICARAGUA-DETAIL OF MILITARY OFFICER-MAY 22, 1941 1329 TITLE II Requisites and Conditions ARTICLE 8-The President and Commander-in-Chief of the Re- public of Nicaragua will grant to the officer detailed under this Agreement the assimilated rank of Brigadier General for the dura- tion of this Agreement and said officer shall have precedence over all Nicaraguan officers of the same rank. ARTICLE 9-The officer shall be governed by the disciplinary regu- lations of the United States Army. ARTICLE 10-The officer shall be responsible directly and solely to the President and Commander-in- Chief of the Republic of Nica- ragua. ARTICLE 11-During the period this officer is detailed under this Agreement or any extension there- of, the Government of Nicaragua shall not engage the services of any personnel of any other foreign government for the duties and purposes contemplated by this Agreement. ARTICLE 12-This officer shall not divulge nor by any means disclose to any foreign govern- ment or to any person whatsoever any secret or confidential matter of which he may become cognizant as a natural consequence of his functions, or in any other way, it being understood that this requisite honorably continues even after the expiration or cancelation of the present Agreement or ex- tension thereof. ARTICLE 13-During the entire duration of this Agreement, this TfTULO II Requisitos y Condiciones ARTfCULO 8-El Presidente y Comandante General de la Re- publica de Nicaragua otorgarA al oficial nombrado conforme a este Acuerdo el grado equivalente al de General de Brigada durante la vigencia de este Acuerdo y dicho oficial tendra precedencia sobre todos los oficiales nicaragiienses de igual graduaci6n. ARTfCULO 9-El oficial se regira por los reglamentos disciplinarios del Ejercito de los Estados Unidos. ARTICULO 10-El oficial sera s6lo y directamente responsable ante el Presidente y Comandante General de la Republica de Nica- ragua. ARTfCULO 11-Durante el pe- riodo en que este oficial preste servicios conforme a los terminos de este Acuerdo o cualquiera pr6- rroga del mismo, el Gobierno de Nicaragua no contratara los ser- vicios del personal de ningun otro gobierno extranjero para los ser- vicios y prop6sitos de que trata este Acuerdo. ARTfCULO 12-El oficial no di- vulgara, ni por cualquier medio revelara a gobierno extranjero alguno, o a persona alguna, cual- quier secreto o asunto confidencial del cual pueda tener conocimiento ya sea como consecuencia natural de sus funciones o en cualquiera otra forma, entendiendose que continuara respetandose este re- quisito aun despues de la expira- ci6n o cancelaci6n del presente Acuerdo o cualquier pr6rroga del mismo. ARTfCULO 13-Durante toda la vigencia de este Acuerdo, el oficial Rank and preedl- ence. Disciplinary regula- tions. Responsibility. Employment of per- sonnel of other foreign governments, restric- tion. Secrecy require nlent. Benefits.