Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/456

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [55 STAT. "Family" con- strued. Annual leave. Travel and trans- portation expenses. Travel time counted as leave. officer shall be entitled to the benefits which the Regulations of the National Guard of Nicaragua provide for officers of correspond- ing rank in the National Guard of Nicaragua. ARTICLE 14-Throughout this Agreement the term "family" of the officer is limited to mean wife and dependent children. ARTICLE 15-The officer shall be entitled to one month's annual leave with pay, or to a propor- tional part thereof with pay for any fractional part of a year. Unused portions of said leave shall be cumulative from year to year during the service of the officer under this Agreement. ARTICLE 16-The leave speci- fied in the preceding Article may be spent in foreign countries, sub- ject to the standing instructions of the War Department of the United States of America concern- ing visits abroad. In all cases the said leave, or portions thereof, shall be taken by the officer only after consultation with the Presi- dent and Commander-in-Chief of the Republic of Nicaragua with a view to ascertaining the mutual convenience of the Government of Nicaragua and the officer in re- spect to this leave. ARTICLE 17-The expenses of travel and transportation not otherwise provided for in this Agreement shall be borne by the officer in taking such leave. All travel time, including sea travel, shall count as leave and shall not be in addition to the time author- ized in the preceding Article. tendra derecho a los beneficios que los reglamentos de la Guardia Nacional de Nicaragua otorgan a los oficiales de igual graduaci6n en la Guardia Nacional de Nicaragua. ARTfCULO 14-En todo este Acuerdo se entendera que el ter- mino "familia" s61o abarca a la esposa y a los hijos no emanci- pados. ARTfCULO 15-El oficial tendra derecho anualmente a un mes de licencia con goce de sueldo, o a una parte proporcional de dicha licencia con sueldo por cualquiera fracci6n de un afo. Las partes de dicha licencia que no hubieren sido usadas, se podran acumular de afo en afo mientras el oficial preste servicios conforme a los terminos de este Acuerdo. ARTfCULO 16-La licencia a que se refiere el Articulo anterior puede ser disfrutada en paises extran- jeros, siempre que se observen las instrucciones vigentes de la Secre- taria de Guerra de los Estados Unidos de America respecto a visitas al exterior. En todos los casos el oficial s61o podrA disponer de dicha licencia, o de una parte do ella, previa consulta con el Presi- dente y Comandante General de la Repdblica de Nicaragua con el prop6sito de determinar la con- veniencia mutua del Gobierno de Nicaragua y del oficial respecto a dicha licencia. ARTfCULO 17-Los gastos de viaje y de transporte que no sean abonables de acuerdo con las disposiciones de este Acuerdo, seran pagados por el oficial que disfruta de la licencia. Todo el tiempo que se emplee en viajar, inclusive viajes por mar, se con- tara como parte de la licencia y no se afiadirA al tiempo autorizado en el Articulo anterior. 1330