Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/498

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56 STAT.] ARGENTINA-PASSPORT VISA FEES-APR. 15, 1942 benefit by the provisions stipulated, provided they come within the terms of this agreement independently of the category of husband, wife or parent. The cases contemplated in this paragraph include, of course, only persons who are nationals and their wives or children who are bearers of or are included in passports of the United States of America or of Argentina. In addition to applying to the countries and the citizens referred to in the preceding paragraph, the agreement will be applicable in the same cases to the Philippine Islands and to citizens of the Philippine Islands so long as the said islands continue under the sovereignty or the authority of the United States. In thus confirming the agreement under reference, I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that the Government of the United States of America will take the necessary measures to place it into effect beginning June 1, 1942, as soon as it is informed that the Government of Your Excellency is also disposed to promulgate it on the date mentioned. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration. NORMAN ARMOUR His Excellency Doctor ENRIQUE RuIz GuIrAZt, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship, Etc., etc., etc. The Argentine Ministerof ForeignAffairs and Worship to the American Ambassador REPtBLICA ARGENTINA MINISTERIO DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES Y CULTO D.C.A. BUENOS AIRES, Abril 16 de 194S. SEROR EMBAJADOR: Tengo el honor de dirigirme a V.E . acusando recibo de su nota N° 739, del dia de la fecha, relativa al acuerdo de visaci6n de pasaportes entre los Gobiernos de la Argentina y de los Estados Unidos de America. Segun el referido acuerdo, los Gobiernos de la Argentina y de los Estados Unidos de America expediran visaciones gratis a las personas que se indican a continuaci6n y la validez de tales visaciones con respecto a ambos paises sera por el t6rmino de un ano y cubrira cual- quier ndmero de entradas durante el referido periodo, a partir de la fecha en que se expidan las visaciones, siempre que el pasaporte sea vAlido durante ese periodo: a).- a los ciudadanos de ambas Repdblicas que visiten temporaria- mente el territorio de la otra por negocios, placer o en calidad de turistas, 1579 Philippine Islands included. Effective date.