Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/311

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 182 -JULY 1, 1943 PATENT OFFICE Salaries: For personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, $3,410,000. Photolithographing: For producing copies of weekly issue of drawings of patents and designs; reproduction of copies of draw- ings and specifications of exhausted patents, designs, trade-marks, and other papers, such other papers when reproduced for sale to be sold at not less than cost plus 10 per centum; reproduction of foreign patent drawings; photo prints of pending application draw- ings; and photostat and photographic supplies and dry mounts, Multigraphing of $225,000: Provided, That the headings of the drawings for patented headings. cases may be multigraphed in the Patent Office for the purpose of photolithography. Miscellaneous expenses: For purchase and exchange of law, pro- fessional, and other reference books and publications and scientific books; expenses of transporting publications of patents issued by the Patent Office to foreign governments; directories, furniture, fil- ing cases; maintenance, operation, and repair of passenger-carrying automobiles; for investigating the question of public use or sale of inventions for one year or more prior to filing applications for patents, and such other questions arising in connection with applica- tions for patents and the prior art as may be deemed necessary by the Commissioner of Patents; for expense attending defense of suits instituted against the Commissioner of Patents, and for other con- tingent and miscellaneous expenses of the Patent Office, $65,000. Printing and binding: For printing the weekly issue of patents, designs, trade-marks, exclusive of illustrations; and for printing, engraving illustrations, and binding the Official Gazette, including weekly and annual indices, $740,000; for miscellaneous printing and binding, $60,000; in all, $800,000. Attendanceatmeet- The appropriation in this title for traveling expenses shall be ings. available, in an amount not to exceed $500, for expenses of attendance at meetings concerned with the work of the Patent Office when incurred on the written authority of the Secretary of Commerce. NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS Salaries and expenses: For all salaries and expenses necessary in carrying out the provisions of the Act establishing the National Bureau 31 Stat. 1449. of Standards, approved March 3, 1901 (5 U. S. C. 591, 597; 15 U. S . C . 271-278), and of Acts supplementary thereto affecting the functions of the Bureau and specifically including the functions as set forth under the Bureau of Standards in the "Department of Commerce 48 Stat. 552. Appropriation Act 1935", including personal services in the District. of Columbia; rental of laboratories in the field, building of temporary experimental structures, communication service, transportation service; streetcar fares not exceeding $100, expenses of the visiting Mpdicealoffes o committee, compensation and expenses of medical officers of the Public ice. Health Service detailed to the National Bureau of Standards for the purpose of maintaining a first-aid station and making clinical observations; compiling and disseminating scientific and technical data; demonstrating the results of the Bureau's work by exhibits or Supplies, etc. otherwise as may be deemed most effective; purchases of supplies, materials, stationery, electric power, fuel for heat, light, and power, and accessories of all kinds needed in the work of the Bureau, including supplies for office, laboratory, shop, and plant, and cleaning and toilet supplies, gloves, goggles, rubber boots and aprons; purchase, repair, and cleaning of uniforms for guards; operation, maintenance, Equipment, and repair of a passenger automobile; purchases of equipment of all 298 [57 STAT.