Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/687

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INDEX Dorr, George B., payment to, as superin- tendent of Acadia National Park---- Douglas Dam, appropriation for construc- tion--............................ Draft Act. See Selective Training and Service Act of 1940. Drug Plants, appropriation for investiga- tions, etc------------------------- Dry-Land Agriculture, appropriation for investigations, etc-------- _- --- --- - Durango, Colo., clerk of U. S . District Court, restriction on use of funds for maintaining office of-------------- Dutch Elm Disease Eradication, appropria- tion for ------------ __----------- Duties. See Customs Duties. Page 485 190 404 404 241 406 E Eagle. See Bald Eagle. Eastern Navajo Hospital, N. Mex., ap- propriation for ----------------- _- 467 Economic Advisory Committee, Inter- American. See Inter-American Fi- nancial and Economic Advisory Com- mittee. Economic Stabilization, rescission of Ex- ecutive order, regulations, etc------- 63 Economic Stabilization, Office of, appro- priation for------------------ - 530 Economic Warfare, Board of: Appropriation for-__-------------- 441, 522 Requisitioned articles, payments for.. 523 Overthrow of U. S . Government, restric- tion on employment of persons ad- vocating------------------------ 537 Procurement of services, etc., outside United States, restriction on use of funds for----------------------- 623 Special projects, use of sums set apart for -------------------------- -- 523 Education, Office of. See under Federal Security Agency. Edward T. Taylor Hospital, Colo., appro- priation for ---------------------- 467 Egypt, appropriation for consular prisons- 276 Eighth Pan American Child Congress, ap- propriation for------------------- 629 El Salvador, appropriation for ambassador to ------------------------------- 80 Electrification Administration, Rural: Appropriation for ---

- 423 Engineer trainees, employment of citi- zens of other American republics-- 429 Electrodevelopment Laboratory, appropri- ation for construction and equipment- 482 EHis Isand Immigration Station, use of hopitals for care of Public Health eP c apttients---------------- 50 XXXI Emergency Advisory Committee for Po- Page litical Defense: Participation in, appropriation author- ized ------- __-----------------. 159 Appropriation for ---- ______------ . 629 Emergency Boards, National Mediation Board, appropriation for -- ________ 515 Emergency Farm Mortgage Act of 1933, Amendment, loans to farmers, time ex- tension -------------------------- 196 Emergency Fund for the President: Allocation of funds, restriction ------- 432 Appropriation for_______-__-_____ . 432 Defense housing, funds continued avail- able -- __ .__ __-

541 Reimbursement of----------------- 450, 552 Emergency Management, Office for: Appropriation for --------- __-------_ 5, 22, 432, 441, 517, 527, 538, 613 Alien Property Custodian, Office of, payment of judgment --------- 547 Central Administrative Services, Division of ------------------_ 527 Civilian Defense, Office of ----. -- -- 528 Damage claims ------------------ _ _ 33 Defense Transportation, Office of--- 22, 529, 613 Economic Stabilization, Office of---- 530 Inter-American Affairs, Office of Co- ordinator of---------------- 22, 528 National War Labor Board ------- 22, 530 National Youth Administration__- 518, 539 Scientific Research and Development, Office of------.----------- 530, 613 Selective Service System------- 5, 441, 518 War Information, Office of------- 531, 613 War Manpower Commission ------- 5, 441, 517, 539, 614 War Mobilization, Office of -------- 582 War Production Board-. 482,442, 532, 614 Judgments------------------- 688 Smaller War Plants Corporation. 533 War Relocation Authority-------- 22,588 Damage claims--------------- 645, 632 War Shipping Administration- 433, 534, 614 Appropriations, availability, etc., of --- 535 War Shipping Administration, non- application to---------------- 636 Boards, offices, etc., under. See indi- vidual titles. Claims, consideration, etc., of---- . .. . Delegation of authority. -- -- -- -- - -- -- General provisions.- ----. .- --.- -.- -- War Manpower Commission, applica- bility to------------------- General servicee-- Restriction on establshment of-- Thiamhr Wtdsfo......,- - -- Owths, adm l OB ci---l- -

536 536 535 519 528 n5»