Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/688

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INDEX Emergency Management, Office for- Continued. Overthrow of U. S . Government, restric- tion on employment of persons ad- vocating ___.___ .____ __..... ___ Services of other agencies, transfer of funds for -- ___._____.__.__.__- Special projects, use of sums set apart for-..-......_ .............. Travel expenses, payment of------._ Emergency Price Control Act of 1942. See also Price Administration, Office of. Page 537 536 536 22 Amendment, limitations on construction of Act-------- ---------------- 566 Emergency Rubber Project: Aliens, employment of -------------- _ 429 Appropriation for -.----------------- 415 Employees. See Government Employees. Employees' Compensation Commission: Appropriation Act, 1944 -- _.---------- 513 Appropriation for- Compensation benefits, payment of__ 514 Employees' compensation fund ----- 23, 514, 539, 615 Printing and binding -------------- 514 Salaries and expenses------------- 23,513 Government contractors, benefits to cer- tain employees outside United States__--------- _-___ -____- - 626 Overthrow of U. S . Government, restric- tion on employment of persons ad- vocating -__.---_________._--- 519 Senate disapproval of nomination, re- striction on payment to person after ---------------------.---- 519 Employment Office Facilities and Serv- ices, appropriation for --------- 517, 614 Employment Security, Bureau of. See under Social Security Board. Employment Services, appropriation for grants to States for -------------.- 441 Employment Taxes: Application to seamen employed by War Shipping Administration - __ 46 Social Security taxes, suspension of increase in rate ---------------- 607 Withholding tax. See Current Tax Pay- ment Act of 1943. Enemy Aliens. See under Aliens. Engineer School, Army, appropriation for maintenance ------- _-_-______-- 358 Engineers, Corps of. See under War De- partment. England. See Great Britain. Englebright, Harry L. , payment to widow of------------------- Engraving and Printing, Bureau of. See under Treasury Department. 537 Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Bureau of. See under Agriculture, Depart- ment of. Epidemics, appropriation for prevention of ------------------- .... .... ... Ethiopia, appropriation for consular prisons ----------.---------------- Euchee, Okla., appropriation for educa- tion of Indians-------------------- Eufaula, Okla., appropriation for educa- tion of Indians -----.- ____-______ Evanston, Wyo., clerk of U. S . District Court, restriction on use of funds for maintaining office of -----------__ Everglades Region, Fla., appropriation for emergency erosion control; State contribution ---------__ _-_ ___. . .. Excess Profits Tax. See under Taxes. Executive Departments. See Government Departments and Agencies. Executive Office of the President. See under President of the United States. Explosives Act, Federal, appropriation for enforcement ------------ ______.___ Export-Import Bank: Appropriation for ---------....... __ Liquidation of Panamanian obligation for Chorrera-Rio Hato Highway, appropriation authorized ----- _ .. Appropriation for ----- __ ___ ___ . _- - Exports: Appropriation for certification of ---- _ Tobacco shipments to U. S . territories for use of armed forces, tax exemp- tion------------- Expositions. See Conferences, Exposi- tions, etc. Page 505 276 465 465 241 419 480 291 75 544 408 42 F Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, appro- priation for expenses, child-labor pro- visions----------------------- 446, 496 Family Allowances, Servicemen's, liberal- ization of ---------------------- 57 Farm Commodities. See Agricultural Commodities. Farm Credit Administration. See under Agriculture, Department of. Farm Forestry, Cooperative, appropriation for -----------------...------ 414 Farm Labor, Supply and Distribution of: Alien workers- Deportation on failure to maintain status -------- ____---- _ 73 Importation- Admission exemptions --- __ -- -- 73 Agreements relating to, negotiation of------------------------ 71 Regulations_-----------------_ _ 73 -