Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/725

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INDEX LXIX rrinting ana Hinuing- onlnued. Page Appropriation for-Continued. District of Columbia------------- 317, 434 Employees' Compensation Commis- sion ------.............--- __- Federal Communications Commission Federal Power Commission _-_ __ _- Federal Security Agency _- -_ __ -_ _- Federal Trade Commission ________ General Accounting Office---_ ___ _ 181, Interior, Department of the ------ Interstate Commerce Commission___ Justice, Department of--------__ -__ Labor, Department of_____________ Library of Congress............... National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics - .------------- __ National Archives ---- ___________- National Labor Relations Board - -- National Railroad Adjustment Board_ Navy Department-________________ 514 174 175 513 175 618 453 183 284 495 235 183 184 515 516 213 Post Office Department ----- ___- 29, 263 Railroad Retirement Board .-- -__ 516 Securities and Exchange Commis- sion --.. _--___.______.--_____ 189 State, Department of----------- 272, 440 Tariff Commission ..- _____ _- ---- - 190 Tax Court of the United States---- 191 Treasury Department...----------- 253 United States Courts -- _ _ -_ _ _- _- __ 243 Veterans' Administration -_ _ - 25, 193, 618 War Department -------------.- - 366 White House Office -_-__----_- _.- 169 Reports of Government departments, discontinuance of printing of 239 Printing Office. See Government Print- ing Office. Priorities, interdepartmental (overnment telegranms . . 12 Prison Camps, appropriation for mainte- nance, etc-------- _ _ 289 Prison Industries, Federal, transfer of funds to certain Treasury Depart- ment appropriations -- -- 253 Prison System, Federal. See under Jus- tice, Department of. Prisoners, Federal: Appropriation for- Medical Center, Springfield, Mo___ 289 Support-------------------- 289, 439, 446 Prisoners of War: Appropriation for maintenance, etc.- Navy Department----------------- 197 War Department----------------- 369 Benefits to certain employees of Govern- ment contractors -- _---------- 626 Services or labor. use on- Federal reclamation projects, etc---- 477 Water conservation and utilization projects---------------------- 568 Prisons, Bureau of. See under Justice, Page Department of. Private Forestry Cooperation, appropria- tion for ------ _____________ Probation Officers, U. S . Courts: 414 Appropriation for salaries and ex- penses

_______ 242,438 , 441 Attorney General, failure to carry out certain orders of _._-_____.____. 242 Salary limitations --. ... . 242 Transportation allowance . . 243 Processing and Related Taxes, appropria- tion for refund of_ - -_- ---__ __- 257 Proclamation, Bill of Rights Week, au- thorization for -___ ______________ _ 605 Produce Agency Act, appropriation to effect provisions of ----.- ___._____- 421 Production Board. See War Production Board. Production Control Committees, Inter- national, appropriation for -_____ 398 Production Stoppages. See War Labor Disputes Act. Profiteering. See Price Control Act of 1942, Emergency; Renegotiation of War Contracts. Public Assistance, Bureau of. See under Social Security Board. Public Buildings Acts, appropriation for carrying out provisions of ____-. . _ 176 Public Buildings Administration. See under Federal Works Agency. Public Contracts. See Contracts, Gov- ernment; Contracts, Wai. Public Debt. Bureau of the. See under Treasury Department. Public Debt Act of 1943-............... 63 Obligations, increase of limitation on 63 Savings bonds, redemnption of; rnplle- ment of losses Stabilization of national economy, rescission of Executive order, regu- lations. etc ---- - -- Wages and salaries, limitations on con- trol of--.- ------ ____-__ __ _-- _- Public Health Service: A A 63 63 63 cting Surgeon General, provision for__ 588 ppropriation for ---------- __-- _ 23, 79, 433, 442, 443, 505, 616 Commissioned officers, pay. etc--- 23, 508 Disease and sanitation investigations_ 24, 443 Epidemics, prevention of ---------- 505 Health and sanitation activities, emergency -.---. _- -_ 24, 443, 506, 616 Hospitals, maintenance, etc ------- 79, 443, 506 , 616 Judgments----------------------- 34 Mental Hygiene, Division of- _ 443, 507, 617 INDEX LXIX ,,,_ ,, ,, -"" I