Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/726

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Public Health Service-Continued. Page Appropriation for-Continued. Miscellaneous and contingent ex- penses


433, 508 National Cancer Institute ------- 508 National Institute of Health- _ __ - - 443, 507 Nurses, training for (national de- fense) ---------------- 433, 505, 616 Public-health work, grants to States for-------------------------- 505 Quarantine service----------- 443, 505, 507 States Relations Division---------- 508 Surgeon General, Office of, salaries_ 442, 508 Venereal Diseases, Division of------ 505 Assistant Surgeons General, designation of bureau chiefs, etc., as ---------- 587 Dental Division, establishment of - - 587 Dentists, relocation contracts with----- 617 Ellis Island Immigration Station, use of hospitals at --------------------- 507 Mines, Bureau of, details to --------- 485 Nurses, training of, for national-defense purposes; appropriation authorized_ 153 Appropriation for ---- __----- 433, 505 , 616 Officers- Benefits -------------------------- 589 Detail of, as division chiefs ___ - -_ - - 587 Details to Coast Guard, per diem rates of allowance authorized__ 55 , 210 Number of, limitation------------- 508 Original appointments ------------ 588 Osteopathic graduates, appointment of ---------------------- 588 Promotions .- - - - ------- --------- 24, 588 Separations from service ---------- 588 Organization and functions..


587 Overthrow of IT. .S . (overIIlent, re- striction on emnploymient of per- sons advocating -_------------ 519 Per diem rates of allowance, funds for__ 217 Physicians and dentists, relocation con- tracts with --------------------- 617 Prison service, assignment of officers to; transfer of funds ---------------- 289 Quarantine service, restriction on use of funds for -------------------- 507 Rental allowances

----- ----

13,370 Reserve officers, distribution in grades_ Sanitary Engineering Division, estab- lishment of ----. -

Seamen employed by War Shipping Ad- ministration, rights and benefits under certain laws--------------- Duration ------------------._ _ _- - Senate disapproval of nomination, re- striction on payment to person after-------------------------- Standards, National Bureau of, officers detailed to, funds available for expenses - --------------------- 24 587 45 51 519 29W Public Health Service-Continued. Transfer of funds authorized ------ Veterans' Administration, transfer of funds from -------------------- Wartime operation-- __ _ ------- ------ Public Health Service Act of 1943 ------ Public Health Work, appropriation for grants to States------------------ Public Housing Authority. See Federal Public Housing Authority. Public Lands. See also Interior, Depart- ment of the. Agriculture, Department of, adjust- ment of titles --- - -- ------------ Alaska, nonmineral leases, deferment or waiver of payments under ------- Appropriation for- Classification as to mineral character, etc_-----------.............. Payments to States from proceeds of sales ------------------------ Range improvements, outside of graz- ing districts ------------------ Leases, acceptance of surrender of cer- tain - __----- _------------- Mining claims, suspension of annual assessment work on------------- Oil and gas leases, extension of------ _ Payments under certain leases, etc., collection procedure ------ Public Printer. See Government Printing Office. Public Roads Administration. See under Federal Works Agency. Public Works, Defense: Appropriation authorized __ Appropriation for ___ -. Restrictions on use of funds ---- .- .. Public Works Administration. See under Federal Works Agency. Pueblo Indians, N. Mex.: Appropriation for- Irrigation projects ---------.- __ ___ Water supply, development -------- Puerto Rico: Page 589 192 589 587 478 456 456 593 74 608 565 540 565 460 460 Appropriation for- Agricultural experiment stations_ -- _ 400 Agricultural extension work.------ 396, 397 Hurricane relief__ _ 438, 445, 492, 625 Maternity and infant care, emergen- cy, grants for--____---_---_- 28 Vocational education .- -- -- -- - ____ 503 Conveyance of land to.-------------- 61 Vocational rehabilitation. See Voca- tional Rehabilitation Act Amend- ments of 1943. Work relief, provision of; appropriation authorized---------------------- 161 Appropriation for--------------_ 541, 617 INDEX LXX