Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/168

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57 STAT.] MEXICO-CONSULAR OFFICERS-AUG. 12, 1942 5.- A consular officer or a diplo- matic officer of either High Con- tracting Party, a national of the State by which he is appointed and duly commissioned or accred- ited by such State, may, in the capital of the other State, have the rank also of a diplomatic offi- cer or of a consular officer, as the case may be, provided that and for so long as permission for him to exercise such dual functions has been duly granted by the Government of the State in the territory of which he exercises his functions as a consular officer and to which he is accredited as a diplomatic officer, and provided further that in any such case the rank as a diplomatic officer shall be understood as being superior to and independent of the rank as a consular officer. ARTICLE II 1. - Consular officers, nationals of the State by which they are appointed, and not engaged in any private occupation for gain within the territory of the State in which they exercise their functions, shall be exempt from arrest in such ter- ritory except when charged with the commission of an act desig- nated by local legislation as crime other than misdemeanor and sub- jecting the individual guilty there- of to punishment by imprison- ment. Such officers shall be ex- empt from military billetings, and from service of any military or naval, administrative or police character whatsoever. 5. - Cualquier funcionario con- sular o diplomatico de cualquiera de las dos Altas Partes Contra- tantes, que sea nacional del Estado por el cual haya sido nombrado y debidamente comisionado o acredi- tado por dicho Estado, podra, en la capital del otro Estado, tener tambien la categoria de funciona- rio diplomatico o de funciona- rio consular, segdn sea el caso, siempre que el permiso para ejercer dichas dobles funciones, le haya sido debidamente otorgado por el Gobierno del Estado en cuyo te- rritorio desempefie sus funciones como funcionario consular y en el que sea acreditado como funcio- nario diplomatico, mientras dure dicho permiso, y a condici6n de que, ademas, en cualquier caso de estos se entienda que su categoria como funcionario diplomatico es superior a su categoria como fun- cionario consular, e independiente de ella. ARTICULO II. 1.- Los funcionarios consulares que sean nacionales del Estado por el cual fueron nombrados, y que no se dediquen a ninguna ocupa- ci6n lucrativa privada dentro del territorio del Estado en el cual desempefian sus funciones, es- taran exentos de aprehensi6n en dicho territorio, excepto cuando fueren acusados de haber cometido un hecho calificado por la legis- laci6n local de delito, que no sea una simple falta y que sujete a la persona culpable de ellos a pena de prisi6n. Tales funcionarios es- taran exentos de la obligaci6n de proporcionar alojamientos mili- tares, y de todo servicio militar o naval o de caracter administrativo o policiaco, cualesquiera que sean. 803 Dual capacity, dip- lomatic and consular. Exemption from arrest, military serv- ice, etc.