Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/169

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TREATIES Testimony in crimi- 2. -In criminal cases the attend- nal cases. ance at court by a consular officer as a witness may be demanded by the plantiff, the defendant, or the judge. The demand shall be made with all possible regard for the consular dignity and the duties of the office; and there shall be com- pliance on the part of the consular officer. etccimesony in civil, 3. -In civil, contentious-admin- pt°, P. 818. istrative and labor cases, consular officers shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of the State which receives them. When the testimony of a consular officer who is a national of the State which appoints him and who is not engaged in any private occupa- tion for gain is taken in civil cases, it shall be taken orally or in writing at his residence or office and with due regard for his con- venience. The officer should, how- ever, voluntarily give his testi- mony at the opportune moment of the trial whenever it is possible to do so without serious interfer- ence with his official duties. Testimony regard- ng official acts not to 4. -A consular officer shall not be required. be required to testify in criminal, contentious-administrative, labor or civil cases, regarding acts per- formed by him in his official capacity. ARTICLE III. Exemption from taxation; exceptions. 1. - Consular officers and em- Post, p. 822. ployees in a consulate, nationals of the State by which they are ap- pointed, and not engaged in any private occupation for gain within the territory of the State in which they exercise their functions, shall be exempt from all taxes, Na- 2.-En los casos penales la parte acusadora, la demandada o el juez, podran pedir la compare- cencia ante el tribunal de un funcionario consular en calidad de testigo. El emplazamiento se hara con todos los miramientos posibles a la dignidad consular y los de- beres del puesto; y el funcionario consular, por su parte, debera acceder. 3. -En los casos civiles, con- tencioso-administrativos y del tra- bajo, los funcionarios consulares estaran sujetos a la jurisdicci6n de los tribunales del Estado que los reciba. Cuando sea necesario recibir en casos civiles, la declara- ci6n de un funcionario consular que sea nacional del Estado que lo nombr6 y que no se dedique a ocupaci6n lucrativa privada al- guna, le sera recibida verbalmente o por escrito, en su domicilio u oficina y con la debida considera- ci6n para su comodidad. Sin embargo, el funcionario debera declarar voluntariamente en el momento oportuno del procedi- miento, siempre que le sea posible hacerlo sin entorpecer seriamente sus obligaciones oficiales. 4. - No se exigira a un funcio- nario consular que declare en casos, ya sean penales, contencioso- administrativos, de trabajo o ci- viles, con respecto a actos llevados a cabo por el en su caracter oficial. ARTICULO III. 1.- Los funcionarios y emplea- dos consulares que sean nacionales del Estado que los nombre y que no se dediquen a ocupaci6n pri- vada lucrativa en el territorio del Estado en el cual desempefen sus funciones, estaran exentos de toda clase de impuestos nacionales, es- [57 STAT.