Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/193

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Participation as ac- cessory; attempt. 23. - Extradition shall also take place for participation in any of the crimes before referred to as an accessory before or after the fact or in any attempt to commit any of the aforesaid crimes. It is further agreed that the paragraph or crimes added by the present Article and numbered 23 herein shall be applicable under appropriate circumstances to all the crimes listed in the said Con- vention of May 7, 1888. ARTICLE II. The High Contracting Parties also agree that the second sentence of Article III of the said Convention of May 7,1888 is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "If the person whose extradition is demanded has already been convicted, the demand must be accompanied by a duly authen- ticated copy of the sentence of the court in which he was con- victed, and with the attestation of the proper executive au- thority; the latter of which must be certified by a diplomatic representative or consular officer of the Government upon which the demand is made." ARTICLE III. The present Convention shall be ratified and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Washington as soon as possible. It shall be con- sidered as an integral part of the said Extradition Convention of May 7, 1888. It shall come into force ten days after its publication in conformity with the laws of the High Contracting Parties, such period to be computed from its publication in the country last pub- lishing, and it shall continue and terminate in the same manner as the Convention of May 7, 1888. In testimony whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaires have signed the present Convention in the english and spanish languages, equally authentic, and have hereunto affixed their seals. Done, in duplicate, at Bogota, this ninth day September one thou- sand nine hundred and forty. - SPRUILLE BRADEN LuIS L6PEZ DE MESA Extradition of con- victed person. 26 Stat. 1536. Considered part of convention of May 7, 1888. 26 Stat. 1534. 828 TREATIES [57 STAT.