Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/381

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Sf STAT.] GUATEMALA-DETAIL OF MILITARY OFFICER-JULY 17, 1943 ARTICLE 22. The household ef- fects, personal effects and bag- gage, including an automobile, of the officer and his family, shall be exempt from customs duties in the Republic of Guatemala, or if such customs duties are imposed and required, an equivalent additional allowance to cover such charge shall be paid by the Government of the Republic of Guatemala. During service in the Republic of Guatemala the officer shall be per- mitted to import articles needed for his personal use and for the use of his family without payment of customs duties, provided that his requests for free entry have re- ceived the approval of the Am- bassador of the United States of America or of the Charge d'Affaires ad interim. ARTICLE 23. If the services of the officer should be terminated by the Government of the United States of America, except as established in the provisions of Article 6, before the completion of one year of service, the provisions of Article 21 shall not apply to the return trip. If the services of the officer shouldl termilnate or be terminated before the completion of one year of service, for any other reason, including those es- tablished in Article 6, the officer shall receive from the Government of the Republic of Guatemala all compensations, emoluments, and perquisites as though he had com- pleted one year of service, but the annual salary shall terminate as provided in Article 19. But should the Government of the United States of America recall the officer for breach of discipline, the cost of the return trip to the United States of America of such officer, his family, household effects and ARTICULO 22. Los efectos do- Exemption cfrom mesticos y personales asi como el duties. equipaje del oficial y su familia, inclusive un autom6vil, estaran exentos de derechos de aduana en la Republica de Guatemala, y si se impusieren y se requirieren tales derechos de aduana, el Go- bierno de la Repiblica de Guate- mala pagara una asignaci6n adi- cional equivalente para satisfacer dichos derechos. Durante su ser- vicio en la Republica de Guatemala se le permitira al oficial importar los articulos que necesite para su uso personal y para el uso de su familia sin pagar derechos de aduana, siempre que su solicitud de entrada reciba la aprobaci6n del Embajador de los Estados Unidos de America o del Encar- gado de Negocios ad interim. ARTfCULO 23. Si el Gobierno Terminationsv- de los Estados Unidos de America terminare los servicios del oficial, salvo lo establecido en las dis- posiciones del Articulo 6, antes de cumplir un afio de servicio, las disposiciones del Articulo 21 no serin aplicables al viaje de re- greso. Si los servicios del oficial terlninnaren o fueren terlfinandos antes de culmplir un nfio de servi- cio, por cualquiera otra raz6n, in- clusive las establecidas en el Ar- ticulo 6, el oficial recibira del Gobierno de la Repuiblica de Guatemala todas las remunera- ciones, emolumentos y concesiones como si hubiera cumplido un aflo de servicio, pero el sueldo anual cesara de abonarse como se dis- pone en el Articulo 19. Mas si el Gobielno de los Estados Unidos de America retirare al oficial por faltas cometidas contra la dis- ciplina, el costo del viaje de re- greso a los Estados Unidos de America del oficial, su familia, 1017