Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/679

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57 STAT.] BRAZIL-MOBILIZATION OF RESOURCES-MAR . 3, 1942 Tais creditos seriam utilizados em projetos empreendidos direta- mente pelo Gov6rno brasileiro ou por particulares aprovados por ele. Em nome do Governo brasileiro e de acbrdo corn os entendimentos da Missao Economica Brasileira, que tenho a honra de chefiar, cor os representantes do Governo dos Estados Unidos, muito agradeceria que o Governo de Vossa Excelencia estudasse com simpatia o presente programa de cooperacao tecnica e financeira. Tenho a firme conviccao de que um programa de colaboragao, como o que acima ficou delineado, podera ser do maior valor para os nossos dois paises, na objetivacao dos propositos da Resolucao da Reunido do Rio de Janeiro, de mobilizar todas as possibilidades economicas do Hemisf6rio na nossa defeza comum. Aproveito o ensejo para renovar a Vossa Excelencia os protestos da minha mais alta consideracao. A. DE Sz. COSTA A Sua Excelencia o Senhor SUMNER WELLES, Secretario de Estado Interino dos Estados Unidos da America. Translation by the Department of State of the Foregoing Note EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL Washington, March 3, 1942. MR. ACTING SECRETARY OF STATE: In resolution II of the Third Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics at Rio de Janeiro, the Brazilian Government undertook to cooperate to the utmost possible degree with the other American republics in the mobilization of its economic resources with the special objective of increasing the production of strategic materials essential to the defense of tlhe hemispl)rel and to the maintenance of the economies of Brazil and the othlr Anllrican republics. The Government of Brazil, through the Economic Mission which I have the honor to head, proposes at once to take measures to carry out that undertaking effectively and to further the program of de- veloping the production of such materials, which are already being produced. The Government of Brazil believes that the most effective way of carrying out its high purposes will be to create a new official organiza- tion to investigate and promote the development of strategic materials and other natural resources of Brazil. The new organization, which might be a new department of the Brazilian Government or a govern- ment-controlled corporation, would examine all feasible projects for promoting such a development and would make possible the realiza- tion of the projects recommended, either by means of existing enter- prises in Brazil or, where suitable entities do not exist, by means of new departments, independent organizations, or private enterprises to be established for that purpose. 1315