Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/493

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58 STAT.] MEXICO-PETROLEUM PROPERTIES-SEPT. 25, 29, 1943 Standard of New Jersey Group. Huasteca Petroleum Company Mexican Petroleum Company. Tuxpam Petroleum Company Tamiahua Petroleum Company Cla. Petrolera Ulises, S. A. Cia. Transcontinental de Petr6leo, S. A. Cfa. Petrolera Minerva, S. A. Standard Oil of California Group. California Standard Oil Company of Mex. S . A . Richmond Petroleum Company. Consolidated Oil Group. Consolidated Oil Co. of Mexico, S. A . Cia. Franco Espafiola, S. A . Cia. Petrolera Aldamas y Bravo, S. A. Sabalo Group Sabalo Transportation Co. Cfa. Petrolera "Clarita", S. A. Cla. Petrolera Cacalilao, S. A. Seaboard Group. International Petroleum Company Compafifa Internacional de Petr6leo y Oleoductos, S. A . Dlls. 18.391.641. Dlls. 3.589.158. Dlls. 630.151 . Dlls. 897.671. Dils. 487.370. Therefore, according to the said oil agreement of November 19, 1941, it is our joint judgment that: FIRST. - The Government of the United Mexican States shall pay to the Government of the United States of America, on behalf of the above mentioned claimants, the amount of Dils. 23. 995. 991 ------ in accordance with the schedule of payments finally approved by the two governments. SECOND:-Before any payment is made on account of these awards the corporation affected shall deposit in escrow and, when final pay- ment has been made, shall deliver to the Government of Mexico all documents and instruments of title pertaining to the expropriated properties. THIRD:-The Government of Mexico and each of the said claimants shall release each other respectively of all reciprocal claims that may still be pending against one another, with the exception of those of the Mexican Government against the companies for unpaid taxes and duties, as well as those based on payments legally made by the Mexi- can Government for the account of the said companies. The Mexican Government will assume liability for all private claims which may be instituted after this date by private individuals against these companies as a result of expropriation, but not for the private claims against these companies now pending before the Mexi- can Courts. FOURTH :-Recommendation is hereby made that the amount deter- mined be paid as follows: one-third on July 1, 1942, and the balance in five (5) equal annual installments, payable on July 1st. of each suc- ceeding year. 93650" - 45--PT. 1--31 Payment by Mexi- can Goverment. Deposit of docu- ments by affected corporation. Release of reciprocal claims. Private claims. Time of payments; 1413