Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/122

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 105-MAY 3, 1945 shall approve, conditioned without division of penalty for the true and faithful performance of his duties, including (but not by way of limitation) certifying vouchers for payment, accounting for, pay- ing over, and delivering up of all fees, moneys, goods, effects, books, records, papers, and other property that shall come to his hands or to the hands of any other person to his use as such officer or employee under any law now or hereafter enacted and for the true and faithful performance of all other duties now or hereafter lawfully imposed upon him as such officer or employee, and such bond shall be con- strued to be conditioned for the true and faithful performance of all official duties of whatever character now or hereafter lawfully imposed upon him, or by him assumed incident to his employment Separate bond not as an officer or employee of the Government: Provided, That not- reqred. withstanding any other provisions of law, upon approval of any bond given pursuant to this Act, the principal shall not be required to give another separate bond conditioned for the true and faithful performance of only a part of the duties for which the bond given Existing bonds not pursuant to this Act is conditioned: Provided further, That the impaired. operation of no existing bond of a Foreign Service officer or vice consul shall in any way be impaired by the provisions of sections 22 U. S. C ., Supp. 1 -23, 23f-231, title 22, of the United States Code: Provided further, IV, §§ 17,21. pot, p . 105. That the bond of a Foreign Service officer shall be construed to be Coverage. conditioned for the true and faithful performance of all acts of such officer incident to his office regardless of whether commissioned Deposit. as diplomatic, consular, or Foreign Service officer. The bonds herein mentioned shall be deposited with the Secretary of the Treasury: Necessity. Provided further, That nothing herein contained shall be deemed to obviate the necessity of furnishing any bond which may be required 44tat. 6s. pursuant to the provisions of the Subsistence Expense Act of 1926, 5 U. S. C. 821; as amended Supp. IV, § 823. as amended." 26 . ta s. c.1. SEC. 8 . Section 19 of the Act of February 23, 1931, is amended to read as follows: Allowance forliving "SEC. 19. Under such regulations as the President may prescribe quarters,etc. and within the limitations of such appropriations as may be made therefor, which appropriations are authorized, ambassadors, minis- ters, diplomatic consular and Foreign Service officers may be granted allowances for living quarters, heat, light, fuel, gas, and electricity- Reptfeantatlon. for representation; and also post allowances wherever the cost of living may be proportionately so high that in the opinion of the Sec- retary of State such allowances are necessary to enable such diplo- matic, consular, and Foreign Service officers to carry on their work Accounting. efficiently: Provided,That all such allowances shall be accounted for to the Secretary of State in such manner and under such rules and regulations as the President may prescribe and the authorization and approval of such expenditures by the Secretary of State as complying with such rules and regulations shall be binding upon all officers of Report to congres the Government: Providedfurther That the Secretary of State shall report all such expenditures annually to the Congress with the Budget estimates of the Department of State." 46 Stat. l20 . SEC. 9 . Section 21 of the Act of February 23, 1931, is amended to 22 U. S.. I read as follows: dussigenment for "SEc. 21 . That any Foreign Service officer may be assigned for agencies. duty in the Department of State or in any department or agency of the Government in the discretion of the Secretary of State without loss of class or salary, such assignment to be for a period of not more [59 STAT.