Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/123

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79TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 105-MAY 3, 1945 than three years unless the public interest demands further service when such assignment may be extended for a period not to exceed one year, upon completion of which four-year assignment and reassignment to the field, he may not again be assigned for duty in the Department of State or in any other department or agency of the Government until the expiration of at least three years of field duty. Any ambassador or minister, or any Foreign Service officer of whatever class, detailed for duty in connection with trade confer- ences, or international gatherings, congresses, or conferences, or for other special duty not at his post or the Department of State, except temporarily for purposes of consultation, shall be paid his salary and expenses of travel and subsistence at the rates prescribed by law." SEC. 10. Section 31 of the Act of February 23, 1931, is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 31. There shall be in the Department of State a Board of Foreign Service Personnel for the Foreign Service, whose duty it shall be to recommend promotions in the Foreign Service and to furnish the Secretary of State with lists of Foreign Service officers who have demonstrated special capacity for promotion to the grade of Minister or Ambassador. The Board shall be composed of not more than three Assistant Secretaries of State, one of whom shall be the Assistant Secretary of State having supervision over the Division of Foreign Service Personnel and who shall be Chairman, an officer of the Department of Commerce designated by the Secretary of Commerce and acceptable to the Secretary of State, and an officer of the Department of Agriculture designated by the Secretary of Agriculture and acceptable to the Secretary of State. The officer of the Department of Commerce shall sit as a member of the Board only when nominations and assignments of commercial attaches, the selection or assignment of Foreign Service officers for specialized training in commercial work or other matters of interest to the Department of Commerce are under consideration; the officer of the Department of Agriculture shall sit as a member of the Board only when nominations and assignments of agricultural attaches, the selection or assignment of Foreign Service officers for specialized training in agricultural work or other matters of interest to the Department of Agriculture are under consideration. The Chief of the Division of Foreign Service Personnel of the Department of State and one other member of that Division may attend the meetings of the Board and one of them shall act as secretary but they shall not be entitled to vote at its proceedings. No Foreign Service officer below class I shall be assigned as Chief of the Division of Foreign Service Personnel, nor shall such officer be given any authority except of a purely advisory character over promotions, demotions, transfers, or separations from the service of Foreign Service officers. The Director of the Office of the Foreign Service shall be assigned from among officers of the Foreign Service, but no Foreign Service officer below class I shall be so assigned." SEC. 11 . Revised Statutes 1699, 1700, and 1701 are hereby repealed. SEC. 12 . Section 7 of the Act of February 5, 1915 (38 Stat. 807), restricting the transaction of business by diplomatic officers, shall apply, with the exception of consular agents, to all officers and employees of the Foreign Service. Approved May 3, 1945. Special details; sal- ary and expenses. 46 Stat. 1214 . 22U.S.0. §§23f, 23g. Board of Foreign Service Personnel. Composition. Designations by Secretaries of Com- merce and Agricul- ture. Division of Foreign Service Personnel Director, Office of the Foreign Service. 22U.8.C. §106- 108. Business transao- tions, restriction. 22 U.S. C. §38. 59 STAT.]