Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/405

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59 STAT.] 79TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 265 -JULY 3, 1945 and which carries paid advertising of firms doing business with the War Department: Provided, however, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to prohibit officers from writing or disseminating articles in accordance with regulations issued by the Secretary of War; Travel of the Army: For travel allowances and travel in kind, as authorized by law, for persons traveling in connection with the military activities of the War Department, including mileage, trans- portation, reimbursement of actual expenses, or per diem allowances, to officers, contract surgeons, and others whose rank, pay and allow- ances are assimilated to officers; the cost of a compartment or such other accommodations as may be authorized by the Secretary of War for security purposes when secret documents are transported by officer messenger, or when valuable War Department property is transported as hand baggage by personnel of the Military Establish- ment; transportation of troops; transportation, or reimbursement therefor, of cadets, enrolled members of the Medical Department, enlisted men, recruits, recruiting parties, applicants for enlistment between places of acceptance for enlistment and recruiting stations, rejected applicants for enlistment, general prisoners, cadets and accepted cadets from their homes to the Military Academy, dis- charged cadets, civilian employees, civilian witnesses before courts martial, and dependents of civilian and military personnel; all neces- sary expenses of travel, under such regulations and restrictions as the Secretary of War may prescribe, of military personnel who have served outside the continental limits of the United States or in Alaska, to places in the United States, its Territories and posses- sions, whether on leave or duty status, for purposes connected with redeployment or reassignment, or for the purpose of recuperation, rehabilitation and recovery; travel pay to discharged military per- sonnel; transportation of discharged prisoners and persons dis- charged from Saint Elizabeths Hospital after transfer thereto from the military service, to their homes, or elsewhere as they may elect, the cost in each case not to be greater than to the place of last enlist- ment; transportation of persons discharged for fraudulent enlistment; monetary allowances for liquid coffee for troops traveling when supplied with cooked or travel rations; commutation of quarters and rations to enlisted men traveling on detached duty when it is imprac- ticable to carry rations, and to applicants for enlistment and general prisoners traveling under orders; per diem allowances or actual cost of subsistence while in a travel status, to civilian employees and civilian witnesses before courts martial; for rental of camp sites and the local procurement of communication service, fuel, light, water service, and other necessary supplies and services incident to indi- vidual or troop movements, including transportation of organiza- tional equipment and impedimenta; and for transportation of authorized baggage of military and civilian personnel, including packing and unpacking; $720,000,000: Provided, That other appro- priations for the Military Establishment shall be charged with such amounts as may be required for travel in connection with develop- ment, procurement, production, maintenance, or construction activi- ties; and, with such exception, no other appropriation in this Act shall be available for any expense for or incident to travel of per- sonnel of the Regular Army or civilian employees under the War Department, except the appropriation "Contingencies of the Army" and the appropriations for Engineer Service, Army, the National Guard, the Organized Reserves, the Reserve Officers' Training Corgs and the National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice, ad except as may be provided for in the appropriations "Special Field 387 Travel charges against other appro- priations.