Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/406

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[59 STAT. Exercises", "Inter-American Relations, War Department", and "Air Attendanceat meet- Corps, Army": Provided further, That, in addition to the authority 39Stat. 199. contained in section 67, National Defense Act of June 3, 1916, as 49. . . 2122, amended, a total of not to exceed $15,000 of the appropriations avail- able to the War Department chargeable with expenses of travel shall be available for expenses incident to attendance at meetings of techlical, professional, scientific, and other similar organizations, when, in the judgment of the Secretary of War, such attendance would be of benefit in the conduct of the work of the War Depart- unPeronerdltraveling ment: Provided further, That appropriations available for travel of personnel of the Military Establishment or employees under the War Department which are current at the date of relief from duty station of such personnel traveling under orders shall be charged with all expenses properly chargeable to such appropriations in connection with the travel enjoined, including travel of dependents and transportation of authorized baggage and household effects of such personnel, regardless of the dates of arrival at destination of the persons so traveling; ersonneloutside During the fiscal year 1946 the dependents and household effects Moving of depend- of such military and civilian personnel (without regard to rank or entsand effects. grade) in and under the Military Establishment on duty at stations outside the continental limits of the United States, or in Alaska, as may be determined upon by the Secretary of War, may, prior or sub- sequent to the issuance of orders for the relief of such personnel from their stations, or subsequent to the discharge or release of such mili- tary personnel from active military service, be moved (including pack- ing and unpacking of household effects) from such stations out- side the continental limits of the United States, or in Alaska, to such locations as may be designated by such personnel, by the use of either Government or commercial means of transportation, and later from such locations to the duty stations to which such personnel may be ordered, and current appropriations of the Military Establishment available for travel and transportation may be used for this purpose, the decision of the Secretary of War to be final as to the dependency of any individual sought to be affected by this provision except as to travel performed subsequent to arrival in the United States: Provided Per diem rates of further, That the Secretary of War, in prescribing per diem rates of allowance. allowance in accordance with law for officers and warrant officers of the Army of the United States traveling on official business and away from their designated posts of duty, is hereby authorized to prescribe such per diem rates of allowance, whether or not orders are given to such officers for travel to be performed repeatedly between two or more places in the same vicinity, and without regard to the length of time away from their designated posts of duty under such orders, Personnel on special and also the actual and necessary expenses or per diem in lieu thereof duty in foreign coun- foreig c oun as he may determine and approve for military and civilian personnel in and under the Military Establishment on special duty in foreign countries; Expenses of courts martial: For expenses of courts martial, courts of inquiry, military commissions, retiring boards, and compensation of reporters and witnesses attending same, contract stenographic reporting services, and expenses of taking depositions and securing other evidence for use before the same, $600,000; Apprehension of deserters: For the apprehension, securing, and delivering of soldiers absent without leave and of deserters, including escaped military prisoners, and the expenses incident to their pursuit; and no greater sum than $25 for each deserter or escaped military ptisoner shall, in the discretion of the Secretary of War be paid to any civil officer or citizen for such services and expenses; for expenses PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 265-JULY 3, 1945 388