Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/487

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59 STAT.] 79TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CHS. 301 , 302 -JULY 14, 1945 [CHAPTER 301] AN ACT 469 July 14, 1945 To amend section 3 of the San Carlos Act (43 Stat. 475-476), as supplemented i. 812] and amended, and for other purposes. [Public Law 149] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 3 of the San Carlos Act, approved June 7, 1924 (43 Stat. 475-476), as amended and supplemented, be, and it is hereby, amended so as to provide that the construction charges on account of non-Indian lands in the San Carlos Federal irrigation project shall be repaid in vari- able annual payments, to be determined by the number of acre-feet of water stored in the San Carlos Reservoir on March 1 each year beginning on the 1st day of March 1945; the amount of each such annual payment shall be fixed and determined in accordance with the following schedule: When stored water (other The annual construction than dead storage) in the charge payment due De- San Carlos Reservoir on cember 1 of the following March 1 of each year is: year shall be: 0 to 100,000 acre-feet - __- - _______________________ $12, 500 Over 100,000 but not over 200,000 acre-feet ------------- 25, 000 Over 200,000 but not over 250,000 acre-feet ---- ____----- _ 37, 500 Over 250,000 but not over 300,000 acre-feet-------------- 50,000 Over 300,000 but not over 350,000 acre-feet.------ - 75,000 Over 350,000 but not over 400,000 acre-feet------------- 100,000 Over 400,000 acre-feet -------

-- 125,000 SEC. 2. The variable repayment schedule provided for in section 1 hereof shall go into effect for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1945, and ending June 30, 1946, and the first such annual payment shall become due and payable December 1, 1946. SEC. 3. The term "construction charges" shall mean the unpaid balance of the principal obligations due the United States under the terms of the repayment contract dated June 8. 1931, between the United States and the San Carlos Irrigation and Drainage District, as amended, including all annual installments deferred in whole or in part: Provided, That the sum of $25,000 shall be paid December 1, 1945, on the deferred installlnent due December 1, 1945, unlder the amended repayment contract: Provided further, That none of the deferred installments shall bear interest during the periods deferred. SEC. 4. The Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to enter into a supplemental agreement with the San Carlos Irrigation and Drainage District modifying the repayment provi- sions of the existing repayment contract, as amended, in accordance herewith. Approved July 14, 1945. [CHAPTER 3021 AN ACT Authorizing the conveyance of certain lands to the city of Cheyenne, Wyoming. Be it enacted by the Senate and Howse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to convey to the city of Cheyenne, Wyoming, subject to any and all valid existing rights or claims, for use in connection with the water supply system of the city, and for the protection of its reservoirs, the following- described lands: The north half of section 2, township 13 north, range 70 west, containing three hundred and twenty-six and eighty- six one-hundredths acres, more or less; the northwest quarter of section 4, township 13 north, range 70 west, containing one hundred San Carlos irriga- tion project, Ariz. Construction charges on non-In- dian lands. Repayment. Effective date of schedule. "Construction charges." Deferred install- ments. Supplenrlntn l agrt!- mont. July 14, 1945 [S. 911] [Public Law 150] Cheyenne, Wyo. Conveyance of cer- tain lands to city.