Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/486

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 299, 300 -JULY 14, 1945 [CHAPTER 299] AN ACT [59 STAT. July 14, 1945 IS. 527] To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge [Public Law 147] across the Saint Croix River at or near Hudson, Wisconsin. Saint Croix River. Bridge, Hudson, Wis. 56 Stat. 661; 57 Stat. 161. 55 Stat. 1647. .50 U. . C., Supp. IV, app.,noteprec. §1. July 14, 1945 i[. 660] [Public Law 148] Louisiana State University and Agri- cultural and Mechan- ical College. Conveyance. Condition. Authority. Liability. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Saint Croix River at or near Hudson, Wisconsin, authorized to be built by the States of Minnesota and Wisconsin, jointly or separately, by an Act of Congress approved July 17, 1942, as extended by the Act of Congress approved June 22, 1943, are hereby extended until the end of one and three years, respectively, after the date of the termination of the unlimited national emergency proclaimed by the President on May 27, 1941. Approved July 14, 1945. [CHAPTER 300] AN ACT To transfer certain lands situated in Rapides Parish, Louisiana, to board of supervisors of Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, upon the written consent of the majority of directors of the Louisiana Rural Rehabilitation Corporation, the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby directed to convey, grant, transfer, and quitclaim forthwith to the board of supervisors of Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, subject to a covenant on the part of such board to use such property for the establishment and maintenance of an agricultural and vocational school, all right, title, claim, interest, equity, and estate in and to the following-described lands adminis- tered by the Secretary as trustee under an agreement of transfer, dated March 31, 1937, with the Louisiana Rural Rehabilitation Cor- poration and situated in the Parish of Rapides, State of Louisiana, together with the improvements thereon and the rights and the appurtenances thereunto belonging or appertaining, to wit: Three thousand one hundred and thirteen acres, more or less, located in Rapides Parish, Louisiana and known as the Boeuf Bayou farms project of the Farm Security Administration of the War Food Administration, within the United States Department of Agriculture. SEC. 2. Until such time as the functions, powers, and duties of the War Food Administrator or the War Food Administration are ter- minated, the authority vested in the Secretary of Agriculture by this Act shall be exercised by the War Food Administrator. SEC. 3 . The transfer of such lands under this Act is hereby found to be in the general interest of rural rehabilitation and shall not be deemed to impose any liability upon the Secretary of Agriculture (or War Food Administrator, as the case may be) with respect to his obligations under such agreement of transfer of March 31, 1937. Approved July 14, 1945. 468