Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/72

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 80, 89-APR . 19, 23, 1945 [CHAPTER 80] April 19, 1945 [H. R. 1534] [Public Law 35] Fact Finders' Act, amendment. 43U.S.C. 377. Expenses charge- able to reclamation fund. April 23, 1945 [S. 530] [Public Law 36] Dallas County, Tex. Easement. Limitation. AN ACT To amend the Fact Finders' Act. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That subsection O of section 4 of the Act of December 5, 1924, commonly known as the Fact Finders' Act (43 Stat. 704), is hereby amended to read as follows: "SBssEc. O . That the cost and expense after June 30, 1945, of the office of the Commissioner in the District of Columbia, and, except for such cost and expense as are incurred on behalf of specific projects, of general investigations and of nonproject offices outside the District of Columbia, shall be charged to the reclamation fund and shall not be charged as a part of the reimbursable construction or operation and maintenance costs." Approved April 19, 1945. [CHAPTER 89] AN ACT Authorizing the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs to grant an easement in certain lands of the Veterans' Administration, Dallas, Texas, to Dallas County, Texas, for highway purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Admin- istrator of Veterans' Affairs is authorized and directed to grant an easement to the county of Dallas, State of Texas, for highway pur- poses in certain lands of the Veterans' Administration facility, Dallas, Texas, described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of the Veterans' Administration, Dallas, Texas; said corner is the intersection of the north line of Ledbetter Drive with the southwest line of the J. K. Sloan survey, abstract numbered 1310, which is also the northeast line of the F. Sadler survey, abstract numbered 1378; thence by metes and bounds, north thirty degrees west along the easterly boundary line of the Veterans' Administration reservation two thousand and twenty-three and eight-tenths feet; thence north thirty-eight degrees and fifty minutes west continuing along said easterly boundary line three hun- dred and two and three-tenths feet; thence north fifty-seven degrees and three minutes west five hundred and thirty-five and six-tenths feet to a point in the easterly boundary line of the Veterans' Admin- istration reservation; thence north eighty-three degrees and three minutes west along said easterly boundary line thirty-one and nine- tenths feet; thence north fifty-eight degrees and thirty-three minutes west continuing along said easterly boundary line four hundred and eighty and nine-tenths feet; thence south thirty-two degrees and fifty- seven minutes west thirty-three and four-tenths feet; thence south fifty-seven degrees and three minutes east eight hundred and thirty- three and seven-tenths feet; thence on a curve to the right, with a radius of one thousand two hundred and forty-three and fifty-seven one-hundredths feet, five hundred and eighty-seven and two-tenths feet along the curve, the chord of which bears south forty-three degrees thirty-one minutes and thirty seconds east five hundred and eighty-one and sixty-seven one-hundredths feet; thence south thirty degrees east one thousand nine hundred and eighteen and two-tenths feet to a point in the north line of Ledbetter Drive; thence north sixty degrees east sixty feet to the point of beginning; containing four and forty-one one -hundredths acres, more or less. The easement herein authorized to be granted shall be limited to the period of time the aforesaid lands are required and actually used [59 STAT.