Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/819

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War Department-Continued. Page Subsidies, restriction on use of funds for payment of--------------------- 390 Technical and professional personnel, employment of ----------------- 405 Temporary employment without regard to civil-service laws, etc----------- 402 Time-measuring devices, restriction on payment to officers, etc., using --- _ - 403 Trade agreements, information and ad- vice respecting ----------------- 411 Transfer of funds ------------------ 91,403 Transportation Corns, appropriation for -------------------------- 392 Veterans, board of review, retirement of officers----------------------- 623 Veterans' Administration, transfer of funds from --------------------- 128 Water, surplus, sale of---------------- 20 West Point Military Reservation, N. Y ., easement over, etc., grant to Orange and Rockland Electric Company authorized --------------------- 36 War Department Civil Appropriation Act, 1946 --------------------------- 39 War Effort, appropriation for enforcement of Acts relating to----------------- War Food Administration: AAA program, restriction on payment of persons demanding joining of as condition of draft deferment, etc - - 182 155 Assessments against producers, etc., re- striction ---------------------- 153 Damage claims, appropriation for -- 93, 431 Louisiana State University and Agricul- tural and Mechanical College, trans- fer of certain lands in Rapides Parish to --------------------- 468 Penalty mail costs, appropriation for_ -_ 137 Political activities, pernicious, restric- tion on payment of persons engag- ing in------------------- ------ 155 Printing and binding, transfer of funds for -------------------------- 138 Rural rehabilitation and grants to needy farmers, appropriation for; report to Congress--------------------- 160 Salaries and expenses- Appropriation for---------------- 152, 644 Reduction in appropriation avail- able in fiscal year 1945 ------- 408 Sebastian Martin grant lands, N. Mex., adjustment of claims by Adminis- trator --------------------- 532 Wage stabilization program- Agricultural, restriction----------- 15 Appropriation for- -------------- 15 War Housing. See under Housing. War Information, Office of: Appropriation for _----------------- Reduction in appropriation available in fiscal year 1945 .- --- ---- --- Damage claims, appropriation for------ Food and quarters for employees out- side continental U. S- -- -- -- -- -- International short-wave radio facilities, indemnification for damages ----- Publications for U. S . distribution, Page 477 408 431 479 478 restriction -


478 War Labor, migration of workers to United States, appropriation for ----------- 381 War Labor Board, National. See Na- tional War Labor Board. War Labor Disputes Act: Appropriation for expenses of National Labor Relations Board under----- 378 Restriction on further use of funds-_ 640 War Losses, extension of time for claiming credit or refund with respect to ----- 673 War Manpower Commission: Administration, appropriation for ----- 380 Apprentice training service, appropria- tion for-------------------- 380, 650 Appropriation Act, 1946 ------------ 380 Appropriation available in fiscal year 1945, reduction ---------------- 408 Chairman, salary rate as Administrator of Federal Security Agency ---- _- 374 Emergency Management, Office for, applicability of general provisions_ 382 Employment office facilities and serv- ices- Appropriation for-------------- 79, 380 Employees, payment for designated leave ------------------------ 380 Return of facilities, etc., to States___ 381 Salary restrictions ---------------- 381 Transfer of funds to Social Security Board ---------------------- 381 Migration of workers, appropriation for_ 381 Overthrow of United States Govern- ment, restriction on employment of persons advocating-----_ ___ _ - - 382 Penalty mail costs, appropriation for - 380 Senate disapproval of nomination, re- striction on payment to person after--------------.--------- 382 Training-within-industry service, ap- propriation for ----------------- 381 War Mobilization and Reconversion, Office of: Appropriation for --------------- 484, 641 Contract Settlement, Office of, appro- priation for ------------------- 484 Retraining and Reemployment Admin- istration, appropriation for ------ _ 484 Surplus Property Administration, es- tablishment, duties, etc--- _ -- - - - - 533 INDEX CXXII