Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/820

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CXXIII War Mobilization and Reconversion, Page Office of-Continued. Surplus Property Board. See under Sur- plus Property Administration. War Mobilization and Reconversion Act of 1944: Advisory Board, members, nonapplica- bility of designated sections of Criminal Code------------------ 235 Public works, loans or advances to States, etc. , appropriation for-_- 112, 638 War Overtime Pay Act of 1943, appropria- tions for pay increases authorized by_ 77, 78 War Plants Corporation, Smaller. See Smaller War Plants Corporation. War Powers Act, 1942, Second, Amend- ments: Five-cent pieces, metallic content, etc., termination of temporary provisions 658 Gifts, conditional, acceptance limita- tion ------------------------- 658 Naturalization of aliens in armed forces; time limit for filing petition; restriction on extension of benefits_ 658 Postage, free, for armed forces, repeal of provisions respecting ---------- 658 Property, acquisition, termination of authority---------------------- 658 Time extension of designated provi- sions -------------------------- 658 War Prizes, capture by U. S .; jurisdiction, etc----------------------------- 581 War Production Board: Appropriation for------------------- 471 Reduction in appropriation available in fiscal year 1945...----------- 401 Damage claims, appropriation for - 431, 651 Farm machinery, replacement, etc., in flood-damaged areas, allocations and priorities authorized -------- 23 Smaller War Plants Corporation. See separate title. Travel expenses, funds available for reimbursement of certain person- nel------------------------- 47 War Public Works: Appropriation for, restriction on use of funds----------------------- 80, 41 Increase in appropriation; restric- tion ---------------------- 38 Community facilities, time extension__ 38 Construction projects, priority -------- 8 War Refugee Board, appropriation con- tinued available for completing liqui- dation of activities --------------- 41 War Relief, Foreign, appropriation con- tinued available for termination of program---------------------- 41 War Relief Control Board, President's, -a___*.a -- - --- -1 Var Relocation Authority: Page Appropriation for------------------- 485 Reduction in appropriation available in fiscal year 1945------------- 408 Refugee shelter, emergency, Fort Ontario, N. Y.- Appropriation available------------ 85 Appropriation for----------------- 485 Transfer of funds to Federal Security Agency for aid to enemy aliens, etc- 375 Limitation increased -------------- 80 Travel expenses, limitation increased-- 84 War Risk Insurance Fund, transfer of funds to War Shipping Administra- tion---------------------------- 481 Var Services, Community, appropriation for --------------------------- 375 Var Shipping Administration: Damage claims, appropriation for_ 93, 431, 655 Exemption from general provisions relating to war agencies ---------- 487 Judgments, appropriation for ------ 432, 656 Marine and war risk insurance fund, transfer of funds from----------- 481 Maritime training fund, appropriation for-------------------------- 481 Penalty mail costs, increase of limitation on--------------------------- Personnel ceilings inapplicable in certain cases until cessation of hostilities - Public Health Service, transfer of funds 420 305 to ------------------------- -- 481 Revolving fund, appropriation for in- crease of--------------------- 480 Seamen, employers' payroll tax on, exemption from limitation in In- ternal Revenue Code ----------- 88 Refund of taxes paid on wages in excess of $3,000, filing of claims, exemption from-------------- 88 State marine schools, appropriation for reimbursement of States maintain- ing------------------------- - 481 Vessels transferred to other agencies, transfer of funds-- ------------ 481 War Veterans. See Veterans. Warehouse Act, appropriation to effect provisions of ----------------- --- 159 Warm Springs Irrigation Project, Oreg., appropriation for __--------------- 328 Warrior River, Ala. and Miss., improve- ment authorized ----------------- 17 Warrior River Terminal Company, audit and annual budget program ----- 598, 599 Washington: Columbia Basin project, appropriation for-------------------- 340,342,648 Indians- Colville Indians, acquisition of land, appropriation for---. - -- - -- - - -- 825 I INDEX appruprmnuo ... --- --- -- --- --- --- - ---