Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/1149

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [59 STAT. 2. Salvo los casos en donde se ha pospuesto el pago segdn las disposiciones del segundo parrafo del paragrafo precedente, la Ad- ministraci6n postal que asume el pago de la indemnizaci6n estara autorizada para indemnizar al interesado por cuenta de la Ad- ministraci6n que reglamentaria- mente requerida, ha dejado trans- currir nueve meses sin solucionar el asunto. ARTfCULO 7. Determinacion de la responsabili- dad. 1. Hasta prueba en contrario, la responsabilidad correspondera a la Administraci6n que, habiendo recibido la encomienda sin obser- vaci6n alguna y estando en pose- si6n de todos los medios reglamen- tarios de investigaci6n, no pueda comprobar la disposici6n de la encomienda. 2.Cuandolap6rdida,laex- poliaci6n o la averia de una encomienda con valor declarado sea descubierta al abrir el recep- tAculo en la oficina destinataria do cambio y haya sido sefialado a la oficina de cambio expedidora, la responsabilidad correspondera a la Administraci6n de que dependa la oficina de cambio expedidora, a no ser que se comprueba que la irregularidad ha ocurrido en el servicio de la Administraci6n des- tinataria. 3. Si la perdida, expoliaci6n o averia se produce en el curso del transporte, sin que fuere posible comprobar en el territorio o ser- vicio de qu6 pais ocurri6 el hecho, las Administraciones en causa soportaran el perjuicio por partes iguales. 4. La Administraci6n que hubi- ere efectuado el pago de la indem- nizaci6n quedarA subrogada, hasta 2. Except in cases where pay- ment is exceptionally deferred as provided in the second paragraph of the foregoing section, the Postal Administration which undertakes payment of compensation is au- thorized to pay indemnity on be- half of the Office which, after being duly notified of the application for indemnity, has let nine months pass without settling the matter. ARTICLE 7. Fixing of responsibility. 1. Until the contrary is proved, responsibility for an insured parcel rests with the Administration which, having received the parcel without making any reservations and being put in possession of all the regulation means of investiga- tion, cannot establish the disposal of the parcel. 2. When the loss, rifling, or damage of an insured parcel is de- tected upon opening the receptacle at the receiving exchange office, and has been regularly pointed out to the dispatching exchange office, the responsibility falls on the Ad- ministration to which the latter office belongs, unless it be proved that the irregularity occurred in in the service of the receiving Administration. 3. If the loss, rifling, or damage has taken place in the course of transportation, without its being possible to establish on the terri- tory or in the service of which country the act took place, the Offices involved bear the loss in equal shares. 4. The Administration paying compensation takes over, to the extent of the amount paid, the 1834