Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/1150

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GUATEMALA-PARCEL POST-Oct. 25, 1945 Nov. 30, 1945 concurrencia del monto de dicha indemnizaci6n, en los derechos de la persona que la hubiere recibido, para todo recurso eventual, ya fuere contra el destinatario, contra el remitente o contra terceros. 5. En caso de localizaci6n ul- terior de una encomienda consi- derada como extraviada, la persona a quien se hubiere pagado la indemnizaci6n debera ser avi- sada de que puede tomar posesi6n del envio contra la restituci6n del monto cobrado. ARTfCULO 8. Reembolso de la compensaci6n. 1. La Administraci6n responsa- ble de la perdida, la expoliaci6n, o la averia o por cuenta de la cual se hubiere efectuado el pago estara obligada a reembolsar al pais que haya efectuado el pago, dentro de un plazo de nueve meses a contar del envio de la notificaci6n del pago, el monto de la indemnizaci6n efectivamente pagada. 2. El reembolso a la Adminis- traci6n acreedora se efectuarA sin gastos para la misma, ya sea mediante un giro postal o cheque en moneda de curso legal en el pais acreedor o por cualquier otro mcdio que se haya convenido mutuamente por correspondencia. ARTfCULO 9. Acondicionamiento de las encomiendas. 1. Como en caso de las en- comiendas ordinarias, el nombre y direcci6n del remitente y del destinatario debera escribirse en caracteres claros y correctos sobre la misma encomienda o sobre un r6tulo atado s6lidamente a esta dltima. En los casos de las en- comiendas que lievan la direcci6n inscrita tan solo en el r6tulo por rights of the person who has re- ceived it, in any action which may be taken against the addressee, the sender, or a third party. 5. If a parcel which has been regarded as lost is subsequently found, the person to whom com- pensation has been paid must be informed that he is at liberty to take possession of the parcel against repayment of the amount of compensation. ARTICLE 8. Repayment of compensation. 1. The Administration respon- sible for the loss, rifling, or damage and on whose account the pay- ment is effected, is bound to repay the amount of the indemnity to the country which has effected payment. This reimbursement must take place without delay and, at the latest, within the period of nine months after noti- fication of payment. 2. These repayments to the creditor Administration must be made without expense for that Office by money order or draft, in money valid in the creditor coun- try, or in any other way to be mutually agreed upon by corres- pondence. ARTICLE 9. Preparationof parcels. 1. As in the case of ordinary parcels, the name and address of the sender and of the addressee must be legibly and correctly written in every case, on the par- cel itself, when possible, or on a label gummed thereto. In the case of parcels addressed by tag only, because of their shape or size, the name and address of the 59 STAT.] 1835