Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/1210

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1896 INDEX Appropriations-Continued. Page Morgan, Dane D., payment of claim-_ _ 691 New England Telephone and Telegraph Company, Boston, Mass., pay- ment of claim------------------- 690 Stout, Mrs. Gladys, payment of claim- 714 Strauss, A. M., payment of claim----- 832 Treasurer's account, credit in_----- --- 797 Veterans' Administration, availability for designated reimbursement to War Department, etc------------ 741 Arevalo, Crispin B., payment to--------- 725 Argentina: Agreements respecting- Fuel and vegetable oil------------ 1799 Preparatory Commission for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organi- zation_----------------------- 1883 Preparatory Commission of the United Nations, interim arrange- ments respecting-------------- 1411 Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the International Court of Justice--------------------- 1031 Armed Forces, Federal Income Tax Law Relating to, printing of manuscript as a public document ---------- __ -- 847 Armed Forces in Iceland, Relations Between, agreement with Norway-_ - 1819 Armistice Agreements: Hungary-------------------------- 1321 Rumania ------------------------ _ 1712 Armistice Day, 1945, proclamation------- 888 Army, damages incident to noncombat activities, payment of claims------ 724, 791 Army Day, 1945, proclamation --------- 860 Astoria, Oreg., Naval Auxiliary Air Facil- ity, reimbursement of certain Navy personnel for loss of personal prop- erty----------------- ---------- 686 "Atrocities and Other Conditions in Con- centration Camps in Germany," printing of additional copies of Senate document ----------------------- 843 Atwood, Maria W., payment to-------- _ 791 Australia: Agreements respecting- Air services transit---- _ - -- - - -- - - -- 1693 Aviation, international civil -------- 1516 Marine transportation and litigation_ 1499 Preparatory Commission of the United Nations, interim arrange- ments respecting--------__ __ _ _ 1411 Sugar, regulation of production and marketing ------------------- 922 Surrender by Japan --------------- 1733 Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the International Court of Justice---------------------- 1031 Austria, Immigration Quota for, proc- lamation ----------------------- Aviation, International Civil, multilateral agreement respecting -- --- _____ Aviation Mission, Military, agreement with Guatemala--__------_------- Aviation Organization, Civil, Provisional International, establishment-------- Ayuban, Alihio B., payment to.- -- -- -. . B Bacon, William F., payment to estate of-- Baker, Cleo E., payment to ------.- -- - Baker, George E., payment to---------- Baker, Pleas, payment to--. .- --. ----. . Balboa, C. Z.: Petroleum pipe line, right-of-way for, agreement with Panama--------- Tunnel under or bridge over Canal, agreement with Panama -- ___- - Baldwin Brothers Paving Company, pay- ment to-----_---------______- - Banning, Calif., Naval Convalescent Hos- pital, reimbursement for loss of per- sonal property---__ -___----...... Barglow, David R. (Dr.), payment to- -- Barlow, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L., payment to ---------------------------- Barry, David W., payment to -----.. -_ - Bass, Nannie, payment to ----------. -- Bassett, Jack Veniss, acceptance of foreign decoration authorized------- Bassett, Jennie, payment to------------ Bastianello, Raymond, reimbursement for loss of personal property -_ ---_ _ _ -- Bates, M. V ., credit in accounts-------- Baumann, Carl (Capt.), payment to----- Bean Lake, Platte County, Mo., flood damage, payment of designated claims -------------- _________- Becker, Jesse L., Jr., payment of claims against U. S . for services rendered to_ Beckmann, Elmer H. (Ensign), reimburse- ment for loss of personal property__ - Belgium: Agreements respecting- Aid, mutual ----------- .. .. .. ... . Air services transit ------------- Aviation, international civil------ _- European Central Inland Transport Organization -__ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ - European inland transport -------- Preparatory Commission for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organi- zation -- ___________________- Preparatory Commission of the United Nations, interim arrange- ments respecting -----.. . . . . .. . a - - - Page 883 1516 1488 1516 725 788 803 766 739 1295 1292 706 785 701 790 725 798 816 821 689 684 768 836 695 769 1642 1693 1516 1740 1359 1883 1411