Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/1211

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INDEX Belgium-Continued. Agreements respecting-Continued. Sugar, regulation of production and marketing ___________________ Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the International Court of Justice -


_______________ Beltz, Mrs. Minnie A., payment to ----- Bermuda, Naval Operating Base, reim- bursement of certain Navy personnel and former Navy personnel for loss of personal property at --- ____-____- Best, Francis, payment to - ___________ Beyer, Malcolm K. (Maj.), reimburse- ment for loss of personal property- _- Biewer, Frances, payment to__ - _ __ _ _ _ Birds, Migratory, amendments of regula- tions relating to, proclamation _____ Black, Boyd B., payment to ___________ Black, Harry Leon, payment to estate of_ Blackmore, John R., payment to estate of_ Blackmore, Mrs. Louise D., payment to_ Blexrud, H. J., payment to estate of----- Bliss, Robert Woods and Mildred B., conveyance of Casa Dorinda Estate to


Boardman, Daniel, Land Claim, title to certain land; issuance of patent ------- Bolivia: Aerial navigation, sanitary, convention respecting -

___ ___ ___ ___ _ Agreements respecting- Air services transit--------------- Air transport ---------- _ -------- Aviation, international civil--------- Preparatory Commission for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organi- zation --- -_ --


Preparatory Commission of the United Nations, interim arrange- ments respecting - .- __---___-- Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the International Court of Justice ---------------------. . Bolstad, Mrs. Eugenie U., consideration of claim -__________--------------_- Bonneville Power Administration, citizen- ship requirement for employees, ex- ception in case of Chesley Brazil- -- Boston Maritime Control Area, discon- tinuance, proclamation ._ _ __ - __ - -- - Bourbeau, Angelina, payment to-------- Bowen, Austin Bruce, payment to------ Bowen, Clyde, payment to administratrix of estate of----------------------- Bowen, Mrs. Sue B., payment to ------- Bowers, Hattie, payment to ---------- Bowker, Henry, payment to ---------- Boylston, Mrs. Glenn T., payment to---- 66347°-7 -Pt. II - - -77 Page 922 1031 785 787 725 710 712 873 719 816 804 804 697 815 788 991 1693 1701 1516 1883 1411 1031 827 710 881 696 733 702 702 723 691 721 Bradley, Omar N. (Gen.), appointment as Administrator of Veterans' Affairs; status; pay, etc --------------- Brady, James A., credit in account ----- Braswell, Mary Ann, reimbursement for loss of personal property ------- _- Bratton, Sue Flippin, payment to legal guardian of ---------------- __ ____ Brazil: Agreements respecting- Aviation, international civil---- _____ Preparatory Commission for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organi- zation-______________________ Preparatory Commission of the United Nations, interim arrange- ments respecting _____________ Sugar, regulation of production and marketing ___________________ Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the International Court of Justice ----- _- -_

_ Decorations, etc., tendered by, author- ization for acceptance___________ Brazil, Chesley, relief from citizenship requirement for Government employ- ees- __ ______ ______ ______ ______ __- Brisbane, Australia, reimbursement of certain Navy personnel and former Navy personnel for loss of personal property------- -__---_________- - Brooks, Arthur R., payment to-- -- _____ Brooks, Sara H., payment to --- _. .--- Brown, Adell, payment to. --- -- ______ Brown, Alice, payment to . ---- _ __ __ __ - Brown, Mattie Lee, payment to legal guardian of ---------- ___.__._-___ Brown, Shirley M., payment to estate of -- ... .. . .-.. ... ... ... _- Brunette, Joseph, consideration of claim --------------------- _ __-_ __ Bryan, Charles, payment to ----

Buhman, Hans, payment to ------------ Bunker Hill, Ind., Naval Air Station, re- imbursement of certain Navy person- nel and former Navy personnel for loss of personal property----- _____ Burnett, Mrs. Ellen C., payment to ---- Burnett, John W., reimbursement for loss of personal property---------------- Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic: Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the International Court of Justice ------------- ______ Preparatory Commission of the United Nations, interim arrangements respecting ----- _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Bywater, John A., reimbursement for loss of nersonal nroDertv-. 1897 Page 741 796 689 810 1516 1883 1411 922 1031 683 710 772 752 752 712 712 799 821 718 814 725 772 729 689 1031 1411 689Q - - r- A_ __
