Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/1212

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INDEX C Caballero, Salvador A., payment to -_ --- Calvert, Frederick, payment to adminis- tratrix of estate of------ ________- Calvert, Ruby Doris, payment to----____ Camp Merritt, N. J ., payment of claims for rental and restoration of certain lands at------------ ._--- -- - -.. .--. Campbell, Arthur J., reimbursement for loss of personal property ---- _____ Campbell, Mrs. Bessie M., payment to -- Campbell, Charles J., payment to------_- Canada: Agreements respecting- Air services transit --------------- Air transport services ------ _______ Aviation, international civil-- _____ Preparatory Commission for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organi- zation ---- _______ ________ ___ Preparatory Commission of the United Nations, interim arrange- ments respecting _____________ Sockeye salmon fisheries- __ _ __ _ __ - Surrender by Japan ----------- Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the International Court of Justice ------------------- ___ Conventions respecting- Aerial navigation, sanitary....._ _ _- Double taxation, estate taxes, and succession duties __- __ ___ ___ __ Maritime navigation, sanitary-- __ ___ Medals, British Empire, acceptance by certain U. S . citizens authorized-_ Canal Dredging Company, payment to_- Cancer Control Month, 1945, proclama- tion-- ....................... ___ Canty, George R., reimbursement for loss of personal property------ ..---- __ Cape Hatteras Maritime Control Area, discontinuance, proclamation.- - ___ Caqulas, Demetrio, payment to estate of_ Carren, Lily L., payment to-- .-.-- __- Carrico, Ivan, credit in accounts -- __ _ __ Carter, Frank, Jr., payment to legal guardian of-----__- --___.---_ Casa Dorinda Estate, Santa Barbara County, Calif., conveyance to Robert Woods Bliss and Mildred B. Bliss--- Casco Bay Maritime Control Area, discon- tinuance, proclamation -- _--_-____. Catholic Chancery Office, Inc., payment to-- - ___-

__.--._ Central Leaf Tobacco Company, Inc., Durham, N. C ., payment to---_ --- - rage 721 74, 74' 691 821 821 169' 135; 151( 188& 141] 161' 1733 103] 991 915 955 816 767 861 689 881 736 761 684 765 815 881 747 790 Uentral o01 eorgia railway uompany ana Employees, creation of emergency board to investigate dispute, proc- lamation -_ ________ ________ ______ Central Vermont Railway, Inc., payment to ---------------- ____..-__. Chalker, Robert P., reimbursement for loss of personal property____________ Chanslor-Canfield Midway Oil Company, conveyance of certain mineral rights by quitclaim deed to ________ --_ __ _ Chantler, Edwin R., payment to --- _ __ - Chapin, H. F ., payment for flood damages_ Chapin, John H., payment for flood damages -------- ___ -___ ___ ___ _- Chapman, J. Holbrook, reimbursement for loss of personal property____________ Charter of the United Nations --- _____- Cherry Point, N. C ., Marine Corps Air Station, reimbursement of certain personnel and former personnel for loss of personal property__________ Chicago, Milwaukee, Saint Paul and Pacific Railroad Company, payment to -- -...........---- _____-.- Child Health Day, 1945, proclamation - Childers, Leona Connor, payment to administratrix of estate of ----- _ Chile: Agreements respecting- Air services transit --------- _____. Aviation, international civil- __ _ _ __ _ _ Health and sanitation program- __ _ - Military service---___ _____ ____ __- Naval mission--__________________ Preparatory Commission for the United Nations Educational, Sci- entific and Cultural Organiza- tion--- _ ... ... .. ... ... .. ... .. Preparatory Commission of the United Nations, interim arrange- ments respecting ------- .. - -- _ Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the International Court of Justice -------- ________ _ China: Agreements respecting- Air transport -...---- _________... Aviation, international civil-_ _ __ __ - Preparatory Commission for the Unit- ed Nations Educational, Scien- tific and Cultural Organization_ Preparatory Commission of the United Nations, interim arrange- ments respecting --- _________- Sugar, regulation of production and marketing --. --- -- _----______ Surrender by Japan--------------- " ' ' '~ ' "" 725 864 1693 1516 1678 1610 1505 1883 1411 1031 1883 1411 922 1733 D

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