Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/547

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59 STAT.] MEXICO-WATER UTILIZATION-e" 31 1944 Nov.14 1944 1 - PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS I - DISPOSICIONES PRELIMINARES ARTICLE 1 For the purposes of this Treaty it shall be understood that: (a) "The United States" means the United States of America. (b) "Mexico" means the United Mexican States. (c) "The Commission" means the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, as described in Article 2 of this Treaty. (d) "To divert" means the de- liberate act of taking water from any channel in order to convey it elsewhere for storage, or to utilize it for domestic, agricultural, stock- raising or industrial purposes whether this be done by means of dams across the channel, partition weirs, lateral intakes, pumps or any other methods. (e) "Point of diversion" means the place where the act of divert- ing the water is effected. (f) "Conservation capacity of storage reservoirs" means that part of their total capacity de- voted to holding and conserving the water for disposal thereof as and when required, that is, ca- pacity additional to that provided for silt retention and flood con- trol. (g) "Flood discharges and spills" means the voluntary or involuntary discharge of water for flood control as distinguished from releases for other purposes. (h) "Return flow" means that portion of diverted water that eventually finds its way back to the source from which it was di- verted. (i) "Release" means the de- liberate discharge of stored water ARTICULO 1 Para los efectos de este Tratado se entendera: a) For "los Estados Unidos", los Estados Unidos de America. b) For "Mexico", los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. c) Por "La Comisi6n", la Comi- si6n Internacional de Limites y Aguas entre los Estados Unidos y Mexico, segdn se define en el Articulo 2 de este Tratado. d) For "derivar", el acto deli- berado de tomar agua de cualquier cauce con objeto de hacerla llegar a otro lugar y almacenarla, o aprovecharla con fines domesticos, agricolas, ganaderos o industriales; ya sea que dicho acto se lleve a cabo utilizando presas construidas a traves del cauce, partidores de corriente, bocatomas laterales, bombas o cualesquier otros medios. e) Por "punto de derivaci6n", el lugar en que se realiza el acto de derivar el agua. f) For "capacidad dtil de las presas de almacenamiento", aque- Ha parte de la capacidad total que se dedica a retener y conservar el agua para disponer de ella cuando sea necesario, o sea, la capacidad adicional a las destina- das al azolve y al control de avenidas. g) Por "desfogue" y por "de- rrame", la salida voluntaria o involuntaria de agua para con- trolar las avenidas o con cualquier otro prop6sito que no sea de los especificados para la extracci6n. h) For "retornos", la parte de un volumen de agua derivada de una fuente de abastecimiento, que finalmente regresa a su fuente ori- ginal. i) For "extracci6n", la salida del agua almacenada, deliberada- 1221 Definitions of terms.