Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/597

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59 STAT.] GUATEMALA-COOPERATIVE EDUCATION- Aug. 10, 1944 1273 Sept. 16 , 1944 y las modalidades del programa educacional cooperativo; y, con res- pecto a los derechos y privilegios que este Gobierno ha de otorgar a la Fundaci6n y a sus empleados, placeme expresar a Vuestra Excelen- cia que dicha Secretaria de Educaci6n Pdblica me ha comunicado, en nota que acabo de recibir, que la inteligencia de Vuestra Excelencia sobre el particular, es enteramente satisfactoria al Gobierno de Guatemala; para cuyo efecto, la mencionada Secretaria de Educaci6n espera recibir las declaraciones que la Fundaci6n Educacional Inter- americana haga al Gobierno, sobre la importaci6n de los articulos y equipo oficiales destinados a la Fundaci6n, y los articulos y efectos personales de sus empleados, para gestionar ante la Secretaria de Hacienda y Cr6dito Publico, en cada caso, la libre entrada al pais de tales articulos. Aprovecho la oportunidad para renovar a Vuestra Excelencia el testimonio de mi mas alta y distinguida consideraci6n, CARLOS SALAZAR Excelentisimo Senor BOAZ LONG, EmbajadorExtraordinarioy Plenipotenciario de los Estados Unidos. Ciudad. Translationby the Department of State of the ForegoingNote DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS REPUBLIC OF GUATEMALA DIPLOMATIC SECTION No. 11959 360-E (73-0) GUATEMALA, September 16, 1944 MIR. AMBASSADOR: I have had the honor to receive Your Excellency's very courteous note number 274, dated August 10 last, by which you are good enough A'e, p. 1271 to inform me that the Government of the United States is prepared to contribute the sum of one hundred thousand dollars for the carry- ing out of the cooperative educational program, with the understand- ing that the Government of Guatemala will contribute, for the same purpose, the sum of fifty thousand quetzales; and that the assistance of the Government of the United States will be rendered through its agency, the Inter-American Educational Foundation, Incorporated, which is a corporation of the Office of the Coordinator of Inter- American Affairs, to which it is hoped that this Government will extend all the rights and privileges to which it is entitled as an agency of the United States Government and the necessary facilities for play- ing its part in the cooperative educational program. Your Excellency is good enough to state that you understand that the Government of Guatemala will be disposed to include among those rights and privileges the entry, free of customs duties and other taxes and charges, of the official supplies and equipment of the Inter- American Educational Foundation, Incorporated, as well as the per- sonal effects and supplies of the employees of the Foundation who are citizens of the United States receiving compensation from the United 66347° 7--PT . II - -38