Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/249

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THIRTEENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 50, 52, 53. 1815. 149 N2

of Matthew Wilson, deceased, late collector of the direct taxes and internal revenue, for the seventh district, in the State of Pennsylvania, and to allow any credit, which the said Matthew Wilson might have claimed against the United States, as an offset to a judgment obtained at the suit of the United States, against Isaac Smith and Bratton Caldwell, as securities of the said Matthew Wilson. APPROVED, February 22, 1815.

STATUS III. Feb. 23, 1815 Certain Duties to be refunded. CHAP. L.—An Act for the relief of Henry Nimmo. Be it enacted, &c., That there be refunded and paid to Henry Nimmo, of Warren, in the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars; it being so much money paid by the said Nimmo for duties upon the importation of one hundred bags of cotton the growth and produce of the United States. APPROVED, February 23, 1815.

STATUS III Feb. 24, 1815 Grant of land to him. CHAP. LII.-- An Act for granting and securing to Anthony Shane, the right of the United States to a tract of land in the State of Ohio. Be it enacted, &c., That, in consideration of valuable and faithful services, rendered to the United States, during the present war, by Anthony Shane, a half breed Indian, there be granted to him all the right of the United States to a tract of land, to contain three hundred and twenty acres, lying on the river St. Mary’s, at a place called Shane’s Crossing, within the limits of the state of Ohio, but in a part thereof to which the Indian title has not yet been extinguished; the said tract to be located in a convenient form, and so as to comprehend the said Anthony Shane’s improvements. Patent to issue, when. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That as soon as the Indian title to the territory comprehending the said tract, shall be extinguished, the said three hundred and twenty acres shall be surveyed under the authority of the United States, and a patent therefor shall be granted to the said Anthony Shane, or, if not then living, to his children and legal representatives, to hold the same to them and their heirs. APPROVED, February 24, 1815.

STATUTE III Feb. 24, 1815 To be paid expenses incurred in behalf of wounded seamen. CHAP. LlII.—- An Act for the relief of Uriah Coolidge and James Burnham. Be it enacted, &c., That the Secretary of the Navy be, and he is hereby by, authorized and required to pay to Uriah Coolidge, and James Burnham, of the town of Portland, in the district of Maine, out of the fund " appropriated to the support and maintenance of wounded seamen on board private armed vessels," such a sum as will compensate them for taking care of, and procuring medical aid for, Peter Charry, Thomas Robinson, John Hart, Thomas Bailey, Peter Ridley, and Joseph Sawyer, six seamen belonging to the crew of the private armed schooner Siro, who were wounded by an explosion of the arm-chest, during a cruise in the summer of the year eighteen hundred and thirteen, five of whom, when brought to land, to wit, Peter Charry, Thomas Robinson, John Hart, Thomas Bailey, and Peter Ridley, were placed under the care of the said Uriah Coolidge; and one, to wit, Joseph Sawyer, under the care of the said James Burnham, there being no marine hospital in said town; also, that the secretary be authorized to allow for the funeral charges of such of said seamen as died of their wounds aforesaid: Pro-