Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/544

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444 TWENTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess.I. Ch. 196, 197, 198. 1830. taking {Gum, is hereby, authorized, at the next, or any succeeding term, on due proof ¢¢¤¤¤¤- being made, to allow to Nathaniel Childers such further compensation as they may think he is entitled to for taking the fourth census, in the county of Norfolk, in the state of Virginia, by reason of the dispersed Proviso. situation of the inhabitants in said county : Provided, That the further allowance the said Court may make, shall not exceed, with what the said Childers has heretofore received, exclusive of taking the manufactories, one dollar and twenty-five cents for each fifty persons enumerated. Appropriation. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the amount so allowed, shall be paid out of any money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated, on the certificate of said Court, showing the amount thus allowed. Avrnovsn, May 29, 1830. Sururz I. -————·— MW 29» 1839 Cr-rn. CXCVI.-dn Act for the relief of Alexander Love. Lana mis Be it enacted, r§·c., That Alexander Love bo, and he is hereby, con- °°¤11¤¤°*`1- firmed in his title to two thousand arpents of land situated on the east side of the river Perdido, in the Territory of Florida, to be located according to a plat and survey made of the same, on the tenth of April, eighteen hundred and twenty-one. And the Commissioner of the General Land Office, upon being presented with a plat and survey of said proviso, land, regularly made as aforesaid, shall issue a patent therefor ; Provided, That this act shall amount only to a relinquishment on the part of the United States, and shall in no manner affect the rights of third persons, or claim derived from the United States by purchase or donation. Approved, May 29, 1830. Srsrurn 1. —-——— May 29, 1830. CHAP. CXCV1I.——-dn Act for the relief of Martha Yeomans, widow of Jo/m ""j""` Yeomans, deceased. Certain sum to Be it enacted, dye., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is 1°° Paid 1**** hereby, authorized and directed to pay to Martha Yeomans, widow of John Yeomans, deceased, a Lieutenant of Infantry in the Continental Line, during the revolutionary war, such sum as the said John Yeomans, who died on the twelfth day of July, in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven, would have been entitled to, under the pro- Act ¤rM.y15, visions of an act, entitled "An act for the relief of certain surviving 1828»°1*·53· officers and soldiers of the army of the revolution," passed the fifteenth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight, from the third day of March, in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six, to the twelfth day of July, in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven, had he, the said John Yeomans, survived, and been living at the time of the passing of the aforesaid act; and that the amount which would in such case have been so due to the said John Yeomans, when liquidated and ascertained by the proper accounting officers of the treasury, be paid out of any moneys in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated. Approved, May 29, 1830. s'I'A'l‘L'TE I. _... Mw 29» 1830- Ch.u·.CXCVlII.-·—An Act for the relief of the heirs of Colonel John E/lis, "`_`—; deceased. Authorized to Be it snarled, rscc., that the heirs of Colonel John Ellis, formerly of gywng “°°"°“ the state of Mississippi, now deceased, be permitted to enter, without the ` payment of any consideration therefor, one section of the public land, according to the public surveys hitherto made, in the state of Mississippi ; and that a patent therefor be issued to them by the proper au- Proviso. thority: Provided, however, That, previous to the issuing of said patent, they shall file with the Commissioner of the General Land Office a deed, relinquishing to the United States all claim to u tract of land of like quantity, for which a certificate, number thirty-one, Register':;