Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/712

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612 TWENTY·THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 77, 78, 79, 80,81. 1835. hundred and twenty, and that he, the said Simeon Meachum, be paid, as arrears of his pension, at the rate of eight dollars a month from the day aforesaid until the ninth day of July one thousand eight hundred and twenty-thi?. i Approved arch 3 1835. Sururm II. i i __

 CHAP. LXXV11.—-An Act granting II. pension to Isaac Janvier.

To be pleccg Be it enacted, {rc., That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, °“ l'°”’“°“ ’° ‘ required to place the name of Isaac Janvier of the county of Newcastle, and state of Delaware, upon the roll of invalid pensioners, and pay him the sum of eight dollars per month during his natural life, commencing on the first daylof January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and t irty-t'our. Snwu IL Approved, March 3, 1835. March 3, 1835. "“_" ""*""""" CHAP. LXXVIIL-—.Hrz. Act granting a pension to Amasa .8. Taft. 0T‘fiSl’°Ofl?:f§,‘}d Be it enacted, {rc., That the Secretary of War be, and he is herepensioners. by,. required to place the name of Amasa A. Tint, of the county of Ontario, in the state of New York, upon the roll of invalid pensioners, and to pay him at the rate of four dollars a month during his natural lie, colrnmencing on the first day of March, eighteen hundred and t irty-t ree. Approved, March 3, 1835. Srurura 11. ‘""——‘ March 3, 1835. CHAP. LXXJX.-—-An Aet for the relief of Jo/in Cullins, a soldier of the io be placed · revolutionary war. 0,, p,,,,,;,,,, ,,0u_ D Be it enacted, nyc., That the Secretary of \Var xbe, and he hereby is, directed to place the name of John Cullins, of the state of Ohio, on the invalid pension roll, at the rate of eight dollars per month, to commence on the first day of; January, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, and to continue during his said Cull1ns’s natural life. STATUE H Am-aovnn, March 3, 1835. March 3, 1835. """"""' A cmkm m be CHAP. LXXX.—-win Act for the relief of Job Barton. puidpto him. Be it enacted, d§•c.,That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to Job Barton, a soldier of the late war wlith the ranlr of sergeant, a pension at the rate of Your dollars per mont , 00ll'1m€IlOmg on the fourth day of March in the year one thousandeight hundred and twenty-eight, and to coritinue during his natural lrfe,t;pl be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise app oprxa . ST""" IL Approved, March 3, 1835. March 8, 1855. ——-——·-~—-——·———¢ Cvur. LXXXI.—An Act granting pensions in William Baden and James C,,,.,,,,,, name. Ilarrington. ‘° l’° l’l"“°‘l °“ Be it enacted <$·r That the S · f W b dl h th . and _ l , ., _ _ ecretary o ar e, an is iere y 5;:,, lll2u_ pan directed to place on the invalid pension roll of the United States thd nameslof the following persons, whereupon they and each of them shall be entitled to receive the pensions severally set against their names respectively, during life, that is to say: _ William Baden, at therate of eight dollars per month, commencing on the lirstday of April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four. . James Harrington, at the rate of eight dollars per month, commencplg on the first day of April one thousand eight hundred and thirty- our. Approved, March 3, 1835.