Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/911

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TWENTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Ssss.1 Ch. 92, 93, 94, 95. 1840. 81] of section hfteen, of township ten north, range four Cast, in the tract appropriated (by the acts appropriating and granting land to the late army of the United States, passed on and since the sixth day of May, Act of May 6, eighteen hundred and twelve) for military bounties in the Territory of wmv °h· "· Arkansas; and upon such relinquishment being made as aforesaid, and upon satisfactory proof being also made to the said Commissioner that the said John Campbell, James Campbell, Hamilton C. Campbell, and Mary Williams, are the only legal representatives of the said William Williams, deceased, the said John Campbell, James Campbell, Hamilton C. Campbell, and Mary Williams, shall be, and they are hereby, authorized to enter any other quarter section of land, in the state of Arkansas, which shall be liable to entry at private sale. Ariuzovzn, July 20, 1840. ——— Sururm I. CHAP. XCII.—.d·n dc! granting a pension to the heirs of Leonard Smith. July 20, 1840. Be it enacted, Qc., That the Secretary of War cause to be paid to the heirs of Leonard Smith, late of the county of Orange, in the state Allowed the of New York, the pay allowed to a lieutenant in the army of the revo- lution, for six months’ service, under the act of Congress passed the 0;;,QnB 7, 1832. seventh day of June, eighteen hundred and thirty-two; said pay com- ch. 126. mencing on the fourth day of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, and ending on the death of the said Leonard Smith. Approved, July 20, 1840. ··—···· Srnnra I. CHAP. XCIII.-42:1 det for the relief of Cornelius Tiers. July 20, 1840. Be it enacted, rye., That the Secretary of the Treasury pay to Cornelius Tiers, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, Payment for a one thousand two hundred dollars; the amount of loss by him sustained $:,*;:3* b" ’“" in delaying to give him orders to make blocks, dec. for a ship of the ` line, frigate, and sloop of war, contrary to his contract with the United States. Approved, July 20, 1840. -··—-— Srsrvrs I. CHAD. XCIV. —-·An Act for the religf of Mary Perkin:. July 20, 1840. Be it enacted, nyc., That Mary Perkins, of the county of Williams, in the state of Ohio, be, and she is hereby, authorized to enter, within Authorized w twelve months after the passage of this act, with the register and re- fg2S' °°"°‘" ceiver of the land office at Lima, in said state, the following tract of ` land, to wit: the west fraction of the south-east quarter of section nnm~ bered twenty-one, in township numbered one, north of range five east, in the Lima land district, Ohio, she paying therefor, as other purchasers, the price of one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre. Approved, July 20, 1840. ——-—·-— STATUTE I. CHAP. XCV. —-An Aet for the relief of VWlliam M'm·bw·_y, of Louisiana. July 20, 1840, Be it enacted, ¢§~e·., That William Marbury, of the state of Louisiana, be, and he is hereby, authorized to enter, without payment, at the land Authorized to ollice at St. Helena, a section of six hundred and forty acres of land, in $**55* {:*;;*1** [ township seven, range three east, in the land district of St. Helena, in l:,,d'wldlby° the state of Louisiana, in lieu of and as a full equivalent for the same U.S. quantity of land to which he had a private claim, which was confirmed, under a certificate numbered seven hundred and sixteen, in October, in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven, and which tract of land was then required, by an order of survey from the land office at St. Helena, to be run out and allotted to him in the parish of St. Tammany, in the same land district, but which was not surveyed or allotted