Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/23

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LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS Public Law 641 -_- Naval Reserve Act, 1938, amendment. AN ACT To further amend section 304 of the Naval Reserve Act of 1938, as amended, so as to grant certain benefits to naval personnel engaged in training duty prior to official termination of World War II ------- 642 -- Bridge, Cumberland River. AN ACT To revive and reenact the Act entitled "An Act granting the consent of Congress to the State Highway Commission, Commonwealth of Kentucky, to construct, maintain, and operate a toll bridge across the Cumberland River at or near Burkesville, Cumberland County, Kentucky", approved May 18, 1928----_ --- -- --- - 643 --- Bridges, Potomac River. AN ACT To amend section 6 of Pub- lic Law Numbered 516 of the Seventy-ninth Congress, ap- proved July 16, 1946........ 644 _-- Nurseries, D. C. AN ACT To amend section 2 of the Act of July 16, 1946 (Public Law 514, Seventy-ninth Congress), re- lating to the establishment and operation in the District of Columbia of nurseries and nursery schools, so as to permit payment of compensation for services rendered after June 30, 1946, and prior to the enactment of such Act _ - - 645 --- Dedication Day. JOINT RESOLUTION Designating Novem- ber 19, 1946, the anniversary of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, as Dedication Day -- --- - -- - - - - -- - -- - - 646 --- Pennsylvania, conveyance. JOINT RESOLUTION Granting certain property to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and relinquishing jurisdiction therein -____.------ - _ 647 -- _ Indian irrigationprojects. AN ACT To modify sections 4 and 20 of the Permanent Appropriation Repeal Act, 1934, with refer- ence to certain funds collected in connection with the operation of Indian Service irrigation projects, and for other purposes_ 648 --- Hospitalfacilities, D. C. AN ACT To provide for the establish- ment of a modern, adequate, and efficient hospital center in the District of Columbia---_______________________________-. 649 - - - Navy, dispositionof vessels, etc. AN ACT To provide for the dis- position of vessels, trophies, relics, and material of historical interest by the Secretary of the Navy, and for other purposes - 650 -- U. S. contractors,employees' benefits. AN ACT To amend the Act entitled "Compensation for injury, death, or detention of em- ployees of contractors with the United States outside the United States", as amended, for the purpose of making the 100 per centum earning provisions effective as of January 1, 1942_ 651 --- West Point, N. Y ., r elocation of railroad. AN ACT Granting a right-of-way at a revised location to the West Shore Railroad Company, the New York Central Railroad Company, lessee, across a portion of the military reservation at West Point---. 652 --- Philippines, transfer of securities. AN ACT To provide for the return of certain securities to the Philippine Commonwealth Government ------------------- 653 --- Albany, N. Y., proceeds of commemorative coinage. AN ACT To provide that the unexpended proceeds from the sale of 50-cent pieces coined in commemoration of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the city of Albany, New York, may be paid into the general fund of such city--.-- 654 --- Philippines, deposits of public moneys. AN ACT To authorize the continuance of the acceptance by the Treasury of de- posits of public moneys from the Philippine Islands 655 --- Coast Guard, sale of property. AN ACT To amend further the Act of April 6, 1938, as amended by the Act of July 9, 1941, entitled "An Act authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to exchange sites at Miami Beach, Dade County, Florida, for Coast Guard purposes"_ .. .___ _. 656 --- Reconstruction Finance Corporation. JOINT RESOLUTION To extend the succession, lending powers, and the functions of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation- - _- - - - 657 --- Government contracts, settlement of claims. AN ACT To au- thorize relief in certain cases where work, supplies, or serv- ices have been furnished for the Government under contracts during the war ------------ - -- - - - - -- -- 658 -- _ Government employees, health programs. AN ACT To provide for health programs for Government employees-_ _ ..... Date Aug. 7,1946-_ - Aug. 7,1946__ Aug. 7,1946-__ Aug. 7, 1946__ Aug. 7,1946__ Aug. 7,1946__- Aug. 7,1946__ - Aug. 7 ,1946___ Aug. 7 ,1946___ Aug. 7,1946__ Aug. 7 ,1946___ Aug. 7,1946___ Aug. 7,1946__- Aug. 7,1946_ - Aug. 7, 1946__- Aug. 7.1946-- Aug. 7,1946___ Aug. 8,1946__ - Page 892 893 894 894 894 895 895 896 897 899 900 900 900 901 901 901 902 903 xxiv