Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/24

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LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS Public Law 659 _ --Veterans' Regulations, amendment. AN ACT To provide in- creased pensions to members of the Regular Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard who become disabled by reason of their service therein during other than a period of war-------------------------..---- -- ----- -- - 660 __- Merchant marine, reemployment rights. AN ACT To amend the Act entitled "An Act to provide reemployment rights for persons who leave their positions to serve in the merchant marine, and for other purposes", approved June 23, 1943 (57 Stat. 162), and for other purposes------

_____ 661 ___ Books for adult blind. AN ACT To amend the Act entitled "An Act to provide books for the adult blind."- - -- -- - -- ___ 662 -__ Veterans' pensions, etc. AN ACT Relating to veterans' pension, compensation, or retirement pay during hospitalization, institutional or domiciliary care, and for other purposes - -. 663 __- First Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1947. JOINT RES- OLUTION Making additional appropriations for the fiscal year 1947, and for other purposes------------- _ -- _ _ 664 ___ Control of communicable diseases, D. C. AN ACT To amend the Act entitled "An Act to authorize the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to make regulations to prevent and control the spread of communicable and preventable diseases", approved August 11, 1939-----

_ -- 665 __- Overtime compensation, U. S . employees. AN ACT To amend the Act of December 7, 1944, relating to certain overtime compensation of civilian employees of the United States---- 666 ___ Ipswich, Mass., conveyance. AN ACT Providing for the con- veyance to the town of Ipswich, in the State of Massachu- setts, of lighthouse property at Castle Neck, for public use - 667 --_ Hunter, Wis., school building. AN ACT To provide funds for cooperation with the school board of Hunter School District for the construction and equipment of a new school building in the town of Hunter, Sawyer County, Wisconsin, to be available to both Indian and non-Indian children------_ ___ 668 -__ Ohio, reserved mineral rights. AN ACT To protect and facilitate the use of national-forest lands in township 2 north, range 18 west, Ohio River survey, township of Elizabeth, county of Lawrence, State of Ohio, and for other purposes ---------- 669 -_- Post Office Department, gifts for library. AN ACT To authorize the Postmaster General to accept gifts and bequests for the benefit of the library of the Post Office Department ------- 670 -__ Army, appointment of officers. AN ACT To provide for the ap- pointment of additional commissioned officers in the Regular Army, and for other purposes------ ------ . ---..--------- 671 --- First War Powers Act, 1941, amendment. AN ACT To amend the First War Powers Act, 1941 ------------------------ 672 ___ Great Lakes, sea lampreys. JOINT RESOLUTION Authoriz- ing and directing the Director of the Fish and Wildlife Service of the Department of the Interior to investigate and eradicate the predatory sea lampreys of the Great Lakes ------------ 673 -_- Veterans, death compensation, etc. AN ACT To remove the limi- tations on the amount of death compensation or pension pay- able to widows and children of certain deceased veterans ---- 674 -__ Jury commissioners, D. C . AN ACT To amend the Act en- titled "An Act to establish a Code of Law for the District of Columbia", approved March 3, 1901, and the Acts amenda- tory thereof and supplementary thereto -------- _------ ---- 675 --- Servicemen's Readjustment Act, 1944, amendment. AN ACT To amend the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944 --------- 676 -_- Columbia River, fishery resources. AN ACT To amend the Act of May 11, 1938, for the conservation of the Fishery Resources of the Columbia River, and for other purposes --------------- 677 --- Navy, appointment of acting assistant surgeons. AN ACT To amend the Act of May 4, 1898 (30 Stat. 369), as amended, to authorize the President to appoint two hundred and fifty acting assistant surgeons for temporary service- __-- - - -- - -- - 678 --- Registration of nurses, D. C. AN ACT To amend the Act of February 9, 1907, as amended, with respect to certain fees---- 679 --- Veterans, education. AN ACT To authorize the Veterans' Ad- ministration to reimburse State and local agencies for expenses incurred in rendering services in connection with the adminis- tration of certain training programs for veterans, and for other purposes--------------------------------------- Date Aug. 8, 1946- __ Aug. 8, 1946-_- Aug. 8, 1946-_- Aug. 8, 1946___ Aug. 8, 1946___ Aug. 8,1946- __ Aug. 8,1946-_ _ Aug. 8,1946- __ Aug. 8,1946--_ Aug. 8, 1946___ Aug. 8,1946___ Aug. 8, Aug. 8, 1946-- _ 1946_- - Aug. 8,1946--- Aug. 8,1946__- Aug. Aug. 8, 1946.__ 8, 1946- __ Aug. 8, 1946___ Aug. 8, 1946_- - Aug. 8, 1946 -. XXV 904 905 908 908 910 919 923 923 923 924 924 925 925 930 931 931 932 932 932 933 Aug. 8,1946--. 934