Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/431

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [60 STAT. of both producers and consumers. With this object the Council shall keep itself constantly acquainted with and, when necessary, discuss the situation in regard to such supply and distribution, disseminate information in regard thereto, and make appropriate recommenda- tions to the Governments concerned and to any other competent authorities. 2. To these ends the member Governments shall- (a) provide the Organisation, at its request, with all relevant infor- mation, in particular, information regarding production, im- ports, exports, consumption, stocks and requirements of coal and of coal-mining supplies and equipment, and (b) give their full co-operation to the Organisation in the accom- plishment of its task. ARTICLE 5. Headquarters. The Headquarters of the Organisation shall be in London or such other place as the Council may from time to time decide. ARTICLE 6. Relations with other Organisations,Authorities and Agencies. 1. The Organisation may establish relations with national and international organisations, authorities and agencies. SEonComil anod 2. After the establishment of the Economic and Social Council of United Nations. the United Nations, the Organisation shall communicate with that Council with the view of determining what relationship should be created between it and the Council and, in particular, whether its functions can and should be taken over by the Council. ARTICLE 7. Administrative Expenses. The Council shall consider and approve a budget covering the necessary administrative expenses of the Organisation. Administra- tive expenses shall be apportioned between and borne by the member Governments in a manner to be determined by the Council. Each member Government undertakes, subject to the requirements of its constitutional procedure, to contribute to the Organisation promptly its share of the administrative expenses so determined. ARTICLE 8. Privileges and immunities. 1. The Organisation shall enjoy in the territories of the member Governments such privileges and immunities as are necessary for the fulfilment of its purpose. 2. Representatives of the member Governments and officials of the Organisation shall likewise enjoy in those territories such privileges 1520