Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/508

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60 STAT.] BELGIUM-AIR TRANSPORT SERVICES-APR . 5, 1946 f) In the event that power is conferred by law upon the aero- nautical authorities of the United States to fix fair and economic rates for the transport of persons and property by air on interna- tional services and to suspend pro- posed rates in a manner compara- ble to that in which the Civil Aeronautics Board at present is empowered to act with respect to such rates for the transport of persons and property by air with- in the United States, each of the Contracting Parties shall there- after exercise its authority in such manner as to prevent any rate or rates proposed by one of its car- riers for services from the terri- tory of one Contracting Party to a point or points in the territory 'of the other Contracting Party from becoming effective, if in the judgment of the aeronautical au- thorities of the Contracting Party whose air carrier or carriers is or are proposing such rate, that rate is unfair or uneconomic. If one of the Contracting Parties on receipt of the notification re- ferred to in paragraph (d) above is dissatisfied with the rate proposed by the air carriers of the other Contracting Party, it shall so notify the other Contracting Party prior to the expiry of the first fif- teen of the thirty days referred to, and the Contracting Parties shall endeavor to reach agreement on the appropriate rate. In the event that such agree- ment is reached, each Contracting Party will exercise its statutory powers to give effect to such Agree- ment. If agreement has not been reached at the end of the thirty day period referred to in para- graph d) above, the proposed rate f) Si les autorites a6ronautiques poeventtos frmpr des Etats-Unis recoivent le pou- comingeffective. voir legal de fixer des tarifs justes et economiques pour le transport aerien international des personnes et des messageries, et de suspendre des tarifs proposes, comme le "Civil Aeronautics Board" est actuellement habilite a le faire en ce qui concerne de tels tarifs A l'int6rieur des Etats-Unis, chacune des deux Parties Contractantes exercera ulterieurement son au- torite de maniere a emp&cher d'en- trer en application tout tarif propose par l'une de ses entre- prises pour les services reliant le territoire de l'une des Parties Contractantes A celui de l'autre, si, de l'avis des autorites aeronau- tiques de la Partie Contractante dont l'entreprise propose un tel tarif, ledit tarif n'est pas juste ou economique. Si l'une des Parties Contrac- oposedstctlone tantes, apr&s r6ception de la noti- fication pr6vue au paragraphe d) ci-dessus, n'approuve pas le tarif propose par une entreprise de l'autre Partie Contractante, elle en avisera cette derniere Partie Contractante avant l'expiration de la moitie du delai de trente jours pr6vu, et les Parties Con- tractantes s'efforceront d'aboutir a un accord sur un tarif conve- nable. Si un tel accord est obtenu, chaque Partie Contractante exer- cera ses pouvoirs legaux en vue d'en assurer l'application. Si un accord n'a pas pu Wtre eect p- obtenu a l'expiration de la periode de trente jours pr6vue au para- graphe d) ci-dessus, le tarif pro- 1597