Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/509

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [60 STAT. may, unless the aeronautical au- thorities of the country of the air carrier concerned see fit to suspend its application, go into effect pro- visionally pending the settlement of any dispute in accordance with the procedure outlined in para- graph h) below. g) Prior to the time when such power may be conferred by law upon the aeronautical authorities of the United States, if one of the Contracting Parties is dissatisfied, with any rate proposed by the air carrier or carriers of either Con- tracting Party for services from the territory of one Contracting Party to a point or points in the territory of the other Contracting Party, it shall so notify the other prior to the expiry of the first fifteen of the thirty day period referred to in paragraph d) above, and the Contracting Parties shall endeavor to reach agreement on the appropriate rate. In the event that such agree- ment is reached each Contracting Party will use its best efforts to cause such agreed rate to be put into effect by its air carrier or carriers. It is recognized that if no such agreement can be reached prior to the expiry of such thirty days, the Contracting Party raising the objection to the rate may take such steps as it may consider necessary to prevent the inaugura- tion or continuation of the service in question at the rate complained of. h) When in any case under paragraph f) and g) above the aeronautical authorities of the two Contracting Parties cannot agree within a reasonable time upon the appropriate rate after consultation initiated by the com- pose peut etre mis en application A titre provisoire en attendant le reglement du differend conform&e ment A la procedure d6finie au paragraphe h) ci-dessous, a moins que les autorites aeronautiques du pays de l'entreprise interessee esti- ment devoir suspendre cette en- tree en application. g) Aussi longtemps que les autorites a6ronautiques des Etats- Unis ne disposeront pas de tels pouvoirs legaux, si l'une des Par- ties Contractantes n'approuve pas un tarif propose par une entre- prise de l'une ou l'autre des Parties Contractantes pour les services reliant le territoire de l'une des Parties Contractantes a celui de l'autre, ladite Partie Contractante en avisera l'autre avant l'expiration de la moitie du d6lai de trente jours prevu au paragraphe d) ci-dessus, et les Parties Contractantes s'effor- ceront d'aboutir a un accord sur un tarif convenable. Si un tel accord est obtenu, chaque Partie Contractante s'em- ploiera de son mieux a faire en sorte que le tarif convenu soit mis en application par son en- treprise ou ses enprises. II est entendu que, si un tel accord ne peut etre obtenu avant l'expiration desdits trente jours, la Partie Contractante qui 6elve des objections au tarif pourra prendre telle mesure qu'elle esti- mera necessaire en vue d'em- pecher l'inauguration ou le main- tien du service en question au tarif discute. h) Au cas ou la procedure de consultation definie aux paragra- phes f) et g) ci-dessus n'aboutirait pas dans un d6lai raisonnable &un accord entre les autorites aero- nautiques des deux Parties Con- tractantes sur un tarif convenable,