Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/511

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [60 STAT. points served by these airlines in the territory of the other Con- tracting Party shall not be con- sidered as modifications of the Annex. The aeronautical authori- ties of either Contracting Party may therefore proceed unilaterally to make such changes, provided, however, that notice of any change is given without delay to the aeronautical authorities of the other Contracting Party. If such other aeronautical au- thorities find that, having regard Ant, D. 19. to the principles set forth in Sec- tion IV of the present Annex, in- terests of their air carrier or car- riers are prejudiced by the carriage by the air carrier or carriers of the first Contracting Party of traffic between the territory of the second Contracting Party and the new point in the territory of a third country, the authorities of the two Contracting Parties shall consult with a view to arriving at a satis- factory agreement. SECTION VIII mxchange or anor After the present Agreement comes into force, the aeronautical authorities of both Contracting Parties will exchange information as promptly as possible concerning the authorizations extended to their respective designated air carriers to render service to, through and from the territory of the other Contracting Party. This will include copies of current cer- tificates and authorizations for service on the routes which are the subject of this Agreement and, for the future, such new authori- zations as may be issued together with amendments, exemption or- ders and authorized service pat- terns. autres que ceux des Parties Con- tractantes, ne sera pas consideree cornme une modification a l'An- nexe. Les autorites aeronauti- ques de chaque Partie Contrac- tante pourront en consequence proceder unilateralement a une telle modification, sous reserve toutefois de sa notification sans d6lai aux autorites aeronautiques de l'autre Partie Contractante. Si ces dernieres estiment, eu egard aux principes 6nonc6s a la section IV de la presente Annexe, que les int6erts de leurs entreprises nationales sont affectes par le fait qu'un trafic est assure entre leur propre territoire et la nouvelle escale en pays tiers par les entre- prises de l'autre pays, elles se con- certeront avec les autorites aero- nautiques de l'autre Partie Con- tractante afin de parvenir A un accord satisfaisant. SECTION vm A partir de l'entr6e en vigueur du present Accord, les autorites aeronautiques des deux Parties Contractantes devront se commu- niquer aussi rapidement que pos- sible les informations concernant les autorisations donnees a leur ou leurs propres entreprises designees pour exploiter les lignes mention- nees au tableau ci-annexe ou des fractions desdites lignes. Ces in- formations comporteront notam- ment copie des autorisations ac- cordees, de leurs modifications eventuelles ainsi que tous docu- ments annexes. 1600