Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/830

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60 STAT.] CZECHOSLOVAKIA-AIR TRANSPORT SERVICES-JAN. 3 , 1946 ing party whose territory is en- tered. /o/ The fuel, lubricating oils, spare parts, regular equip- ment and aircraft stores retai- ned on board civil aircraft of the airlines of one contracting party authorized to operate the routes and services described in the Annex shall, upon arriving in or leaving the territory of the other contracting party, be exempt from customs, inspection fees or similar duties or charges, even though such supplies be used or consumed by such air- craft on flights in that territory. ARTICLE 4. Certificates of airworthi- ness, certificates of compe- tency and licences issued or rendered valid by one contract- ing party shall be recognized as valid by the other contract- ing party for the purpose of operating the routes and ser- vices described in the Annex. Each contracting party reser- ves the right, however, to refuse to recognize, for the purpose of flight above its own territory, certificates ukladanyoh saluvni stranou, na jelif uzemi letadlo vstoupi, /o/ PohonnI hmoty, mazaci oleje, ndhradni soucastky, ob- vykli vfzbroj a letadlove za- soby, ktere jsou chovany na pa- lube civilnich letadel letckjch dopravnich podnik& smluvnich stran, opravnenjoh provozovati trati a dopravu, jak uvedeno v Pifloze, budou pri pfiletu na uzemi druhe smluvni strany, nebo pfi odletu a ndho prosty celnich poplatkl, kontrolnich davek nebo jinjch podobnjch poplatkd, i kdyl tgchto zasob tato letadla poufiji nebo je spotrebuji za lett nad timto uzemim. CtALNK 4. Osvedceni o letove z2psobi- losti, pilotskd diplomy a povo- leni vydani nebo za platna pro- hlisena jednou nsluvni stranou budou pro provoz trati a dopravy, vytcent v Pfiloze, uzndna druhou smluvni stranou za platna. KEaZd smluvni strana si vsak vyhrazuje pravo, ze pro letdni nad svym vlastnim uzemin odmitne uznati platnost pilotskich diplona a povoleni, kterd jiny stat vydi jejja vlastnim pislu~nikda. 1921