Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/831

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [60 STAT. of competency and licences granted to its own nationals by another state. ARTICLE 5. /a/ The laws and regulations of one contracting party rela- ting to the admission to or de- parture from its territory of aircraft engaged in internatio- nal air navigation, or to the operation and navigation of such aircraft while within its territory, shall be applied to the aircraft of the other con- tracting party, and shall be complied with by such aircraft upon entering or departing from or while within the terri- tory of the first party. /b/ The laws and regulati- ons of one contracting party as to the admission to or de- parture from its territory of passengers, crew, or cargo of aircraft, such as regulations relating to entry, clearance, immigration, passports, cus- toms, and quarantine shall be complied with by or on be- half of such passengers, crew or cargo of the other con- tracting party upon entrance into or departure from, or CLANEK 5. /a/ Zdkony a nafzeni jednd smluvni strany, ktere se na jejim uzemi vztahuji na ptilet a odlet letadel uzivanjch v mezindrodnim letectvi nebo na provoz a letani techto letadel po dobu jeJich pobytu na jelim uzemi, plati pro letadla druhe smluvni strany, a tato letadla se Jim musi yodro- biti pfi pfiletu nb o odletu a po dobu jejich pobytu na uzeum prvni smluvni strany. /b! Zakonum a narizenim smluv- ni strany, kterd se na jejjim zemi vztahuji na pfilet nebo odlet letadlem cestujfcich, posadek nebo zbozi, zejmena nafizenim, jez upravuJi prilet, formality odletu, pfistehovalectvi, cestov- ni pasy, do a karantinu, podrobj se tito cestuJici, posadky nebo zbozi druhd smluvni strany bua plfmo, anebo tfeti osobou za ne jednajicf pfi pifletu, odletu a po dobu jejich pobytu na 4sei prvni saluvni strany. 1922