Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 2.djvu/1272

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61 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-NARCOTIC DRUGS--DEC. 11, 1946 3. States which are Parties to copies for their information to the any of the instruments which are to be amended by the present Protocol are invited to apply the amended texts of those instru- ments so soon as the amendments are in force even if they have not yet been able to become Parties to the present Protocol. 4. Should the amendments to the Convention relating to Dan- gerous Drugs of 19 February 1925, or the amendments to the Con- vention for limiting the Manufac- ture and regulating the Distribu- tion of Narcotic Drugs of 13 July 1931, come into force before the World Health Organization is in a position to assume its functions under these Conventions, the func- tions conferred on that Organiza- tion by the amendments shall, provisionally, be performed by its Interim Commission. ARTICLE III The functions conferred upon the Netherlands Government under articles 21 and 25 of the International Opium Convention signed at The Hague on 23 Janu- ary 1912, and entrusted to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations with the consent of the Netherlands Government, by a resolution of the League of Nations Assembly dated 15 De- cember 1920, shall henceforward be exercised by the Secretary- General of the United Nations. ARTICLE IV As soon as possible after this Protocol has been opened for signature, the Secretary-General shall prepare texts of the Agree- ments, Conventions and Protocols revised in accordance with the present Protocol and shall send Government of every Member of the United Nations and every non- member State to which this Pro- tocol has been communicated by the Secretary-General. ARTICLE V The present Protocol shall be open for signature or acceptance by any of the States Parties to the Agreements, Conventions and Protocols on narcotic drugs on 23 January 1912, 11 February 1925, 19 February 1925, 13 July 1931, 27 November 1931 and 26 June 1936, to which the Secretary-General of the United Nations has com- municated a copy of the present Protocol. ARTICLE VI States may become Parties to the present Protocol by (a) signature without reserva- tion as to approval, (b) signature subject to ap- proval followed by ac- ceptance or (c) acceptance. Acceptance shall be effected by the deposit of a formal instrument with the Secretary-General of the United Nations. ARTICLE VII 1. The present Protocol shall come into force in respect of each Party on the date upon which it has been signed on behalf of that Party without reservation as to approval, or upon which an instru- ment of acceptance has been de- posited. 2. The amendments set forth in the Annex to the present Protocol shall come into force in respect of each Agreement, Con- 2233 38 Stat. 1912. 48 Stat. 1543 . Exercise of functions conferred upon Neth- erlands Government. 38 Stat. 1918, 1919 . Entry into force.