Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 2.djvu/5

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LIST OF PRIVATE LAWS Private Law 28 -_- Lake Landing Township, Hyde County, N. C. AN ACT For the relief of certain owners of land who suffered loss by fire in Lake Landing Township, Hyde County, North Carolina ---- 29 ___ Thomas Gambacorto, estate. AN ACT For the relief of the estate of Thomas Gambacorto -- ------- --- 30 ___ Col. Frank R. Loyd. AN ACT For the relief of Colonel Frank R. Loyd ------------------------------------- 31 -__ Sylvia De Cicco, guardian. AN ACT For the relief of the legal guardian of Sylvia De Cicco --- 32 ___ The Methodist Home, D . C. AN ACT To authorize The Methodist Home of the District of Columbia to make certain changes in its certificate of incorporation with respect to stated objects_ objects --------- n P.C.Xil. ~-- -- --

_ -- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---

- 33 A. A. Pelletier and P. C. Silk. AN ACT For the relief of A. A. Pelletier and P. C. Silk____________ - -- 34 ___ SoutheasternSand and Gravel Company. AN ACT For the relief of Southeastern Sand and Gravel Company _ - -- -- -- 35 -__ Rear Admiral Charles E. Rosendahl. JOINT RESOLUTION Authorizing the presentation of the Distinguished Flying Cross to Rear Admiral Charles E. Rosendahl, United States Navy---------------------------------------- 36 --- Lt. Gen. Roy Stanley Geiger. JOINT RESOLUTION Author- izing the President to issue posthumously to the late Roy Stanley Geiger, lieutenant general, United States Marine Corps, a commission as general, United States Marine Corps, and for other purposes---...--------------------.. --- 37- - Claude R. Hall and Florence V. Hall. AN ACT For the relief of Claude R. Hall and Florence V. Hall--- 38 -- Mrs. Fuku Kurokawa Thurn. AN ACT For the relief ofMrs. Fuku Kurokawa Thurn - 39 -__ Mrs. Frederick Faber Wesche. AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Frederick Faber Wesche (formerly Ann Maureen Bell) --- 40 -- _ Allen T. Feamster, Jr. AN ACT For the relief of Allen T. Feamster, Junior Feamster, Juniorig an ---- --------- -- ------ ------ ------------- 41 S.C. Spradlingand R. T. Morris. AN ACT For the relief of S. C . Spradling and R. T. Morris - --- - - - 42 ___ Army of the United States, relief of certain disbursing oficers. AN ACTFor the relief of certain disbursing officers of the Army of the United States, and for other purposes

43 -_ Mary Lomas. AN ACT For the relief of Mary Lomas ----- 44--- Louisiana Power and Light Company. AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of War to grant an easement and to convey to the Louisiana Power and Light Company a tract of land com- prising a portion of Camp Livingston in the State of Louisiana 45 -- Samuel W. Davis, Jr., and others. AN ACT For the relief of Samuel W. Davis, Junior; Mrs. Samuel W. Davis, Junior; and BettyJane Davis and B ietty IJan a isd

46 --- Raymond Wesley Doyle. AN ACT Authorizing the issuance of a patent in fee to Raymond Wesley Doyle 47 --- Thurlow Grey Doyle. AN ACT Authorizing the issuance of a patent in fee to Thurlow Grey Doyle .- 48 -- Lawrence Stanley Doyle. AN ACT Authorizing the issuance of a patent in fee to Lawrence Stanley Doyle - -- --- 49 - _ Spencer Burgess Doyle. AN ACT Authorizing the issuance of a patent in fee to Spencer Burgess Doyle 50 _- Gladys May Doyle. AN ACT Authorizing the issuance of a patent in fee to Gladys May Doyle ------ .- -- -- 51 ___ Harold Turcean, posthumous citizenship. AN ACT Conferring United States citizenship posthumously upon Harold Turcean - 52 - Norman Abbott. AN ACT For the relief of Norman Abbott ---- 53 -__ New Jersey, Indiana and Illinois Railroad. AN ACT For the relief of New Jersey, Indiana and Illinois Railroad 54 --- Kathleen Doyle Harris. AN ACT Authorizing the issuance of a patent in fee to Kathleen Doyle Harris, sole devisee of Richard Jay Doyle, deceased 55 ___J .F. Poers. AN ACT Fortherelief ofJ.F .-Powers-------------- 56 - AbramBanta Boert, estate. AN ACT For relief of the estate of Abram Banta Bogert -- .- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 57 John C. Garrett. AN ACT For the relief of John C. Garrett ----- 58 __. A. J. Davis and others. AN ACT For the relief of A. J . Davis, Mrs. Lorene Griffin, Earle Griffin, and Harry Musgrove ----- 59 PaulGoodman. AN ACT For the relief of Paul Goodmai n --

Date June 25, 1947_- June 25, 1947___ June 25, 1947-_ - June 25, 1947-_ June 26, 1947-_- June 26,1947-_ _ June 26, 1947 -- June 30,1947-_. June 30, 1947- __ June 30, 1947-__ June 30, 1947--- June July July 30, 1947_- - 1, 1947-_ _ 1, 1947_ -- July 1, 1947___ July 1, 1947___ July 1, 1947___ July July July July July July July July July 2,1947 -- 9, 1947-__ 9,1947 - _ 9, 1947-_ _ 9, 1947-_ 9, 1947__ 9, 1947-_- 11, 1947-_ 11, 1947-_ July 11, 1947__ July 11, 1947 -_ July 11, 1947_ July 11, 1947- _ July 11, 1947__ July 11, 1947- _ _ Pago 974 975 976 976 976 977 977 978 978 978 979 979 979 980 980 983 983 983 984 984 984 985 985 985 986 986 986 987 987 988 988 989 vi