Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 2.djvu/6

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LIST OF PRIVATE LAWS Private Law 60 --- Philadelphia,Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company, con- veyance. AN ACT To authorize the sale of the bed of E Street Southwest, between Twelfth and Thirteenth Streets, in the District of Columbia ---------------.------- __-______ -- __ 61 -- _ Norman Thoreson and Thoreson Brothers. AN ACT For relief of Norman Thoreson and Thoreson Brothers, a partnership. -- 62 _ --Robert Hinton. AN ACT For the relief of Robert Hinton _ .-._- 63 - -- Hugh C. Gilliam. AN ACT For the relief of Hugh C. Gilliam_- - 64 __- Mrs. Mabel Jones and Mrs. Mildred Wells Martin. AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Mabel Jones and Mrs. Mildred Wells Martin ---------- _-----_----___-__________.___-__- 65 _ -- Adolph Pfannenstiehl. AN ACT For the relief of Adolph Pfan- nenstiehl ------------ --- -- --- - - - -- ____-_- - _-___ _______ 66 _ -- Michael Soldo. AN ACT For the relief of the alien Michael Soldo

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--- -.-- 67 --- Protestant Episcopal Church, D. C. AN ACT To authorize the parishes and congregations of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the District of Columbia to establish bylaws governing the election of their vestrymen .. _________--_------__-_____-- 68 --- Rev. John C. Young. AN ACT For the relief of Reverend John C. Young -- _ __ _ ---_- --_--- .--- --------------- -- 69 -_- Kuo Yu Cheng. AN ACT For the relief of Kuo Yu Cheng - _ - 70 --- Arsenio Acacio Lewis. AN ACT For the relief of Arsenio Acacio Lewis ----------------------------------

71 --- Edna Rita Saffron Fidone. AN ACT For the relief of Edna Rita Saffron Fidone -- __---_-_-_----_----_---_----------- 72 ___ Antonio Belaustegui. AN ACT For the relief of Antonio Belau- stegui ---------------------

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73 _ --Fritz Hallquist. AN ACT For the relief of Fritz Hallquist -- __ _ 74 -_- Mrs. Elizabeth Kempton Bailey. AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Elizabeth Kempton Bailey ___--------_---_---_--_-----_- 75 --- Donna L. I . Carlisle. AN ACT For the relief of Donna L. I. Carlisle ---------------------------------------- 76 --- Anna Malama Mark. AN ACT For the relief of Anna Malama Mark __ ---------

77 _ -- Maj. Ralph M. Rowley and First Lt. Irving E. Shefel. AN ACT For the relief of Major Ralph M. Rowley and First Lieutenant Irving E. Sheffel ------------------------------------ 78 --- Eric Seddon. AN ACT For the relief of Eric Seddon -------- 79 --- Roger Edgar Lapierre. AN ACT For the relief of Roger Edgar Lapierre ---------------------------------------------- 80 --- Choctawhatchee Electric Cooperative, Inc. AN ACT For the relief of Choctawhatchee Electric Cooperative, Incorporated - 81 -- _ R. W. Wood. AN ACT For the relief of R. W. Wood_------- 82 --- Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company. AN ACT To authorize the construction of a railroad siding in the vicinity of Franklin Street Northeast, District of Columbia ------------------- 83 -- Fred Pittelli. AN ACT For the relief of Fred Pittelli--------- 84 --- Erle E. Howe. AN ACT Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to issue a patent in fee to Erie E. Howe -------- 85 --- Alice Scott White. AN ACT To authorize and direct the Secre- tary of the Interior to issue to Alice Scott White a patent in fee to certain land --.------------ ______________ - -____ 86 --- Becker Little Light. AN ACT Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to issue a patent in fee to Becker Little Light ---- - 87 --- Richard Little Light. AN ACT Authorizing the sale, under supervision, of land of Richard Little Light --------------- 88 --- Persis M. Nichols. AN ACT For the relief of Persis M. Nichols_ 89 -- Glenna J. Howrey, guardian. AN ACT For the relief of the legal guardian of Glenna J. Howrey---------------------------- 90 --- Roman Toporow. AN ACT For the relief of Roman Toporow--- 91 --- Julian M. Thomas. AN ACT For the relief of Julian M. Thomas- 92 --- William D. McCormick. AN ACT For the relief of William D. McCormick


93 --- Walter R. and Kathryn Marshall. AN ACT For the relief of Walter R. and Kathryn Marshall ----------------------- 94 _-- Lewis H. Rich. AN ACT For the relief of Lewis H. Rich -- _-- 95- - Harley Shores. AN ACT For the relief of Harley Shores -- - - 96 --- Charles W. Taylor, Jr. AN ACT For the relief of Charles W. Taylor, Junior--------------------------------------- 97 -- Myron R. Leard. AN ACT For the relief of Myron R. Leard_- - 98 --- George Corenevsky. AN ACT For the relief of George Corenevsky- Date July 11, 1947.- July 15, 1947___ July 15, 1947_- - July 15, 1947- _ - July 16, 1947__- July 16, 1947___ July 18, 1947__ July 18, 1947___ July 21, 1947___ July 21, 1947__ July 21, 1947__ July 21, 1947___ July 21, 1947_- - July 21, 1947___ July 21, 1947___ July 21, 1947-_- July 21, 1947-_ _ July 22, 1947-_- July 22, 1947- _- July 22, 1947-- July 22, 1947_ -- July 22, 1947--- July 22, 1947--- July 23, 1947-- July 24, 1947__ - July 24, 1947-_- July 24, 1947_-- July 24, 1947-_- July 25, 1947- __ July 25, 1947___ July 25, 1947-__ July 30, 1947--- July 30, 1947_ - - July 30, 1947-_- July 30, 1947__ July 30, 1947-- July 30,1947--- July 30, 1947__- July 30,1947-- vii Page 989 990 990 991 991 992 992 992 993 993 993 993 994 994 994 995 995 995 996 996 996 997 997 997 998 998 998 999 999 999 1000 1000 1000 1001 1001 1002 1002 1002 1003