Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 2.djvu/785

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TREATIES En foi de quoi, lea Pleni- potentiaires soussignes ont appose leurs signatures et leurs cachets au I-as du present Traite. Fait a Paris, le dix fevrier mil neuf cent quarante-sept, en langues franqaise, an- glaise, russe et italienne. In faith whereof the un- dersigned Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty and have affixed thereto their seals. ['] Done in the city of Paris in the French, English. Rus- sian and Italian languages, this tenth day of February, One Thousand Nine Hun- dred Forty-Seven. B yAOCTOBepeltnC qero Iuni;elIo.llctic;iun11Iec. Io.1 - eoMoqtile llpe¢crannTre. ttoAiiHca.In nacrofTnr0n1 Aoronop n npnao;Kstan t neCy trlon Ite'lTn. Col0eplucno ItIIapnI;e ua pyccrom, anr.mincrom, 4lpanuty.acoM n nraiulbril- CKom naalgiax, tielpaia lecTroro .In Trlnt'ia Ae- MBITLCOTcopoK CCAbYMrO roa. [61 STAT. In fededi che i sottoscritti Plenipotenziari hanno ap- posto le loro firie e i loro sigilli al presente Trattato. Fatto a Parigi in lingua francese, illglese, russa e italiana, il dieci febbraio millenovecentoquaranta- settc. POUR L'UNION DES REPUBLIQUES SOVIETIQUES SOCIALISTES: FOR TIlE UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS: 3a CoIo3 COBeTCKHX CounaimncTmqecKnx Pecny6jnx: PER L'UNIONE DELLE REPUBBLICHE SOVIETICHE SOCIALISTE: Vsi]/.^ <<i^ 1 [For romnnization of the lacsimir signatures. see p. 1755.] 1742 a; .6c